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单词 A 1
释义 [/eɪ; e/] n (pl A's, a's [/eɪz; ez/])

1 the first letter of the English alphabet 英语字母表的第一个字母:
`Ann' begins with (an) A/`A'. Ann一字以A字母开始.

2 (music 音) the sixth note in the scale of C major C大调音阶中的第六音或音符.

3 academic mark indicating the highest standard of work 学业成绩达最高标准的评价符号:
get (an) A/`A' in biology 生物(学科)得A.

4 (used to designate a range of standard paper sizes 用以标明一系列标准纸张的规格):
[attrib 作定语] an A4 folder A4纸张大小的文件夹 即297 x 210 mm.

5 (idm 习语) A1 [/ˌeɪ ˈwʌn; ˋeˋwʌn/](infml) excellent; first rate 极好的; 头等的; 第一流的:
an 7A1 5dinner 一顿美餐 *
I'm feeling A1, ie very well. 我身体好极了. from A to B from one place to another 从一处到另一处:
I don't care what a car looks like as long as it gets me from A to B. 我倒不在乎汽车的样子, 只要能把我从一处载到另一处就行了. from A to Z from beginning to end; thoroughly 从头到尾; 彻底地:
know a subject from A to Z 精通一科目. A 2
abbr 缩写 =

1 ampere(s):
13A, eg on a fuse 13安(如标於保险丝上者).

2 answer. Cf 参看 Q.

3 (in academic degrees 在学位方面) Associate of:
ARCM, ie Associate of the Royal College of Music 皇家音乐学院副研究员. Cf 参看 F2. A 3
[/eɪ; e/] symb 符号 (Brit) (of roads) major (指公路)A级(主干公路):
the A40 to Oxford 通往牛津的A级40号公路 *
an A-road 一条A级公路. Cf 参看 B.
a 1
[/ə; ə; strong form 强读式 eɪ; e/] (also an [/ən; ən; strong form 强读式 æn; æn/]) indef art (The form a is used before consonant sounds and the form an before vowel sounds. Both are used before [C], [Cgp] or [sing] ns that have not previously been made specific. a用於辅音前, an用於元音前. 两者均用於前文未曾确指的可数单数名词或集合名词之前.)

1 one 一(个):
a man, hotel, girl, committee, unit, U-turn (一个)男人, 旅馆, 姑娘, 委员会, 单位, U形转弯 (Cf 参看 some men, hotels, girls, etc) *
an egg, aunt, uncle, hour, X-ray, MP, L-plate (一个)蛋, 姑姑, 叔叔, 小时, X光照片, 下院议员, L字牌 (Cf 参看 some eggs, aunts, uncles, hours, etc) *
I can only carry two at a time. 我一次只能携带两个. *
There's a book on the table is that the one you want? 桌子上有一本书--是不是你要的那一本?

2 (used with an abstract n that is restricted by the phrase which follows it 与抽象名词连用时, 该名词後须有限定性词组):
There was still an abundance of food when we arrived. 我们抵达时还有很多食物. *
We're looking for someone with a good knowledge of German. 我们正在找一个精通德语的人.

3 any; every 任何; 每一(个):
A horse is a quadruped. 马是四足动物. (Cf 参看 Horses are quadrupeds.) *
An owl can see in the dark. 猫头鹰在黑暗中能看见东西. (Cf 参看 Owls can see...).

4 one single 单一的:
He didn't tell us a thing about his holiday. 他度假的事对我们支字未提.

5 (used with ns followed byof + possess det + n + 's 与名词+ of +所有格限定词+名词+ 's连用):
a friend of my father's, ie one of my father's friends 我父亲的一个朋友 *
a habit of Sally's, ie one of Sally's habits 萨莉的一种习惯.

6 (used in front of two ns seen as a unit 用於可视为一体的两个名词之前):
a cup and saucer 一副杯碟 *
a knife and fork 一副刀叉.

7 to or for each; per 每一; 每:
2 a gallon 每加仑2英镑 *
800 words a day 每天800字 *
50p a pound 每磅50便士.

8 (often derog 常作贬义) person like (sb) 像(某人)的人:
My boss is a little Napoleon. 我的老板是个小拿破仑.

9 (used with sb's name to show that the speaker does not know the person 与某人姓名连用, 表示说话者不认识此人):
Do we know a Tim Smith? 咱们认识一个叫蒂姆·史密斯的人吗? *
A Mrs Green is waiting to see you. 有一位格林太太正等著见你.* A Doctor Simpson telephoned. 有一位辛普森医生来过电话.

10 (used to show membership of a class 用以表示一群体中的成员):
My mother is a solicitor. 我母亲是律师. *
My father is a Fulham supporter. 我父亲是富勒姆足球队的球迷.

11 painting, sculpture, etc by 由...作的绘画, 雕刻等:
The painting my grandfather gave me turned out to be a Constable. 我祖父给我的那幅画原来是康斯塔伯的作品. a 2
Note that the sound of the first letter of an abbreviation, not its spelling, determines the form and pronunciation of the article before it 注意用於缩写字前面的冠词, 其词形和读音取决於该缩写字的第一个字母的读音, 而不取决於其书写形式:
an MP *
an SRN *
a UHF radio *
the [/ðɪ; ðɪ/] NSPCC *
the [/ðə; ðə/] USA.
pref 前缀

1 (with ns, adjs and advs 与名词, 形容词, 副词结合) not; without 不; 无; 非:
atheist *
atypical *
asexually. =>Usage at un- 用法见un-.

2 (with vs forming adjs 与动词结合构成形容词) in the state or process of 处於...状态或过程中:
awake *
asleep *
ablaze *





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