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单词 accept
释义 [/əkˈsept; əkˋsɛpt/] v

1 (a) [Tn] take (sth offered) willingly 欣然接受(他人提供的事物):
accept a gift, a piece of advice, an apology 接受礼物, 劝告, 道歉.
(b) [I, Tn] say yes to (an offer, invitation, etc) 接受(提议, 邀请等):
She offered him a lift and he accepted (it). 她请他坐她的车, 他就领情了. *
He proposed marriage and she accepted (him). 他向她求婚, 她就同意了.
(C) [Tn] receive (sth/sb) as adequate or suitable 接收, 收取(某事物); 接受(某事物[某人]):
Will you accept a cheque? 你收支票吗? *
The machine only accepts 10p coins. 这机器只收10便士的硬币. *
The college I applied to has accepted me. 我报了名的学院已经录取我了.

2 [Tn] be willing to agree to (sth) 同意, 认可, 赞同(某事物):
accept the judge's decision 同意法官的判决 *
I accept the proposed changes. 我赞成所提出的变动.

3 [Tn] take upon oneself (a responsibility, etc) 承担(责任等):
He accepts blame for the accident, ie agrees that it was his fault. 他承认那事故是他的错. *
You must accept the consequences of your action. 你必须对你行动的後果负责.

4 [Tn, Tf, Tw, Cn.n/a] ~ sth (as sth) take sth as true; believe sth 认为某事物属实; 相信某事物:
I cannot accept that he is to blame. 我认为不能责怪他. *
We do not accept your explanation/what you have said. 我们不相信你的解释[你所说的话]. *
Can we accept his account as the true version? 我们能够相信他说的是实情吗? *
It is an accepted fact, ie sth that everyone thinks is true. 这是公认的事实.

5 [Tn] treat (sb/sth) as welcome 欢迎(某人[某事物]):
He was never really accepted by his classmates. 他同班同学从未真正把他当作自己人.





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