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单词 action
释义 [/ˈækʃn; ˋækʃən/] n

1 [U] (a) process of doing sth; using energy or influence; activity 行动; 作用; 活动:
I only like films that have got plenty of action. 我只喜欢有很多惊险动作的电影. *
The time has come for action. 行动的时候到了. *
a man of action, ie one who achieves much by being decisive and energetic 实干家(靠果敢和干劲而取得成就的人).
(b) [C]thing done; deed; act 所作之事; 行为; 行动:
Her quick action saved his life. 她动作迅速因而救了他一命. *
You must judge a person by his actions, not by what he says. 判断一个人, 要看他的所作所为, 而不是看他所说的话. =>Usage at act1 用法见act1.

2 [U] events in a story or play (故事或戏剧中的)情节:
The action is set in France. 事情发生在法国.

3 [sing] ~ on sth effect that one substance has on another (一物质对另一物质所起的)作用:
The action of salt on ice causes it to melt. 盐作用於冰而使其融化.

4 [U] fighting in battle between troops, warships, etc (军队, 军舰等之间的)战斗, 战事:
killed in action 阵亡 *
the destruction caused by enemy action 敌军在战斗中造成的破坏 *
He saw (ie was involved in) action in North Africa. 他曾经历了北非的战事.

5 [C] legal process; lawsuit 诉讼:
He brought an action against her, ie sought judgement against her in a lawcourt. 他起诉她了.

6 [C] (a) way of functioning, esp of a part of the body 功能(尤指身体某部的):
study the action of the liver 研究肝功能.
(b) way of moving, eg of an athlete, or of a horse when jumping 动作的姿势(如运动员或马跳时):
a fast bowler with a fine action 姿势优美而动作敏捷的滚木球运动员.
(C) mechanism of an instrument, esp of a gun, piano or clock 机械装置(尤指枪炮, 钢琴, 钟表等者).

7 (idm 习语) ,actions speak ,louder than `words (saying 谚) what a person actually does means more than what he says he will do 行动胜於语言. course of action => rsecourse. in `action in operation or engaging in a typical activity 在运转; 在操作; 在某项活动中:
I've heard she's a marvellous player but I've never seen her in action. 我听说她是位高手, 但是我从未实地见过. into `action into operation or a typical activity 实施; 进行其活动:
put a plan into action 将计划付诸实施 *
At daybreak the troops went into action, ie started fighting. 拂晓时部队投入战斗. out of `action no longer able to operate or function; not working 不能再运转; 失去效用; 不工作:
This machine is out of action. 这台机器出了故障. *
The enemy guns put many of our tanks out of action. 敌军炮火击毁我军很多坦克. *
I've been out of action for several weeks with a broken leg. 我的腿折了, 已经几个星期没工作了. a piece/slice of the `action (infml) involvement in some enterprise, esp in order to get a share of the profits 参与某事(尤指为获得利益的):
I'm only putting money into this scheme if I get a slice of the action. 我若能分一杯羹, 才出钱参与这一计划. swing into action => swing1. take `action do sth in response to what has happened 采取行动; 行动起来:
Immediate action must be taken to stop the fire spreading. 必须立即采取行动阻止火势蔓延. take evasive action => evasive. where the `action is (infml) any place where life is thought to be busy, enjoyable, profitable, etc 热闹, 享乐, 有利可图等的地方:
Life in the country can be dull London is where all the action is. 乡下的生活有时是很枯燥的--伦敦才是最热闹的地方.





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