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单词 art 1
释义 [/ɑːt; ɑrt/] n

1 [U] (a) creation or expression of sth beautiful, esp in a visual form, eg painting, sculpture, etc 美的事物的创造或表现(尤指用视觉形式, 如绘画, 雕刻等); 艺术; 美术:
the art of the Renaissance 文艺复兴时期的艺术 *
children's art 儿童的艺术 *
[attrib 作定语] an art critic, historian, lover, etc 艺术批评家, 艺术史家, 艺术爱好者.
(b) skill in such creation 艺术技巧:
Her performance displayed great art. 她的表演表现了高度的艺术技巧. *
This tapestry is a work of art. 这张挂毯是件艺术品.
(C) instances of this 艺术; 美术:
[attrib 作定语] an `art exhibition/gallery 艺术展览[馆].

2 the arts [pl] = fine art (fine).

3 arts [pl] subjects of study (eg languages, literature, history) in which imaginative and creative skills are more important than the exact measurement and calculation needed in science 文科:
[attrib 作定语] an arts degree with honours in sociology 他持有社会学的文科(荣誉)学位.

4 [C, U] any skill or ability that can be learnt by practice, esp contrasted with scientific technique; knack (尤指与科学技术相对而言的, 经过实践获得的)技能, 技巧:
the art of appearing confident at interviews 在面试时表现自信的技巧 *
Threading a needle is an art in itself. 穿针引线本身就是一种技巧. *
The art of letter-writing is fast disappearing. 尺牍技巧行将消失.

5 (a) [U] cunning; trickery 狡诈; 欺诈.
(b) [C] trick; wile 奸计; 诡计:
well-practised in the arts of seduction 惯用诱骗诡计.

6 (idm 习语) get sth down to a fine art => fine2. art 2
[/ɑːt; ɑrt/] v (arch 古) (2nd pers sing pres t form of be, used with thou be的单数第二人称现在时态, 与thou连用):
`O rose, thou art sick.' ‘玫瑰, 汝病矣.





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