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单词 batten 1
释义 [/ˈbætn; ˋbætn/] n

1 long board, esp one used to keep other boards in place, or to which other boards are nailed 板条(尤指用以固定其他板材或将其他板材钉於其上者).

2 (on a ship) strip of wood or metal used to fasten down covers or tarpaulins over a hatch 压条(船上用以扣紧舱口盖或舱盖布的木条或金属条). batten 2
v [Tn, Tn.p] ~ sth (down) (esp on a ship) fasten sth securely with battens (尤指船上)用压条固定住某物:
batten down the hatches, eg when a storm is expected 封住舱口(如风暴快来时). batten 3
[/ˈbætn; ˋbætn/] v (phr v) batten on sb/sth (esp derog 尤作贬义) thrive or live well at the expense of sb/sth, or so as to injure sb/sth 损及某人[某事物]以自肥:
She avoided having to work by battening on her rich relatives. 她仗著她那些有钱的亲戚而不必工作, 得以坐享清福.





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