[/ˈbiːkən; ˋbikən/] n 用法: 1 fire lit on a hilltop as a signal 烽火. 用法: 2 (a) light fixed on rocks or on the coast to warn or guide ships, or on a mountain, tall building, etc to warn aircraft 灯塔; 灯标. (b) flashing light on an airfield for the guidance of pilots (飞机场上指示飞机起降的)闪光灯. 用法: 3 signal station such as a lighthouse (灯塔之类的)信号站. 用法: 4 radio station or transmitter whose signal helps ships and aircraft to discover their position (帮助航船和飞行器确定位置的)无线电台或发射台. 用法: 5 (Brit) = Belisha beacon. |