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单词 beat sb into/to sth
释义 bring sb to a specified state by hitting repeatedly 把某人[某物]直打成某种状况:
The children were beaten into submission. 孩子们被打得服服贴贴. *
The dog was beaten to death. 那狗被打得一命呜呼. beat sb/sth off drive sb/sth away by fighting 以战斗驱除某人[某事物]:
The attacker/attack was beaten off. 进攻者[进攻]被打退了. beat sth out (a) produce (a rhythm, etc) by drumming 敲击出(节奏等):
He beat out a tune on a tin can. 他在洋铁罐上敲奏出一支曲子来.
(b) extinguish (a fire) by beating 扑灭(火):
We beat the flames out. 我们把火扑灭了.
(C) remove sth by striking with a hammer, etc 以锤打等方法除去:
beat out the dent in the car's wing 锤平汽车挡泥板上的凹痕. beat sb to... arrive at (a place) before sb 先於某人到达(某处):
I'll beat you to the top of the hill, ie I'll race you and get there first. 我能比你先到山顶. beat sb to it achieve, reach or take sth before sb else 抢先一步; 捷足先登:
Scott aimed to get to the South Pole first, but Amundsen beat him to it. 斯科特原打算第一个到达南极, 但是阿蒙森却已捷足先登. *
I was about to take the last cake, but he beat me to it. 我正要去拿那最後一块蛋糕, 而他却抢先拿走了. beat sb up hit, kick or thrash sb severely 狠打、踢或揍某人:
He was badly beaten up by a gang of thugs. 他被一帮暴徒打得死去活来.




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