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单词 bend 1
释义 [/bend; bɛnd/] v (pt, pp bent[/bent; bɛnt/])

1 [Tn, Tn.p] force (sth that was straight) into an angle; make crooked or curved 使弯曲:
It's hard to bend an iron bar. 把铁棒弄弯很不容易. *
The mast was bent during the storm. 桅杆在风暴中变弯了. *
The heat of the fire has bent these records. 火把这些唱片烤翘了. *
Touch your toes without bending your knees. 用手够到你的脚趾, 膝盖别弯曲. *
bend the wire up/down/forwards/back 把金属线弯上去[下去/向前/向後].

(a) [I, Ipr, Ip] (of an object) become curved or angular (指物体)弯曲:
The road bends to the right after a few yards. 这条路在几码远的地方转向右方.
(b) [I, Ipr, Ip] (of an object) turn downwards in a curve (指物体)向下弯:
The branch bent but didn't break when the boy climbed along it. 那男孩爬上树枝时, 树枝弯曲了, 但是没有折断.
(C) [I, Ipr, Ip, Tn,, Tn.p] (cause sb/sth to) bow or stoop (in a specified direction) (使某人)弯腰, 弯身; (使某物沿某方向)弯:
She bent down and picked it up. 她俯身把它拾起来. *
He bent forward to listen to the child. 他弯下身来听那孩子说话. *
The boy bent over to be caned. 那男孩子撅过屁股来挨藤条打. *
They (were) bent double crouching under the table. 他们蜷著身子蹲在桌子底下. *
His head was bent over a book. 他埋头读书.

3 [, Tn.p] turn (sth) in a new direction 使(某物)转到新的方向:
We bent our steps towards home. 我们转过脚步朝家走.

4 (idm 习语) bend the `rules change or interpret the rules, laws, etc in a way that suits oneself or the circumstances (根据情况)放宽规定; 变通; 通融. bend one's mind to sth direct one's thoughts to sth 专心於某事物:
He couldn't bend his mind to his studies. 他不能专心学习. bend/lean over backwards => backwards (backward). on bended `knee(s) (as if) kneeling to pray or to beg humbly (彷佛)跪下祈祷或卑躬屈膝地哀求.

5 (phr v) bend (sb) to sth (force sb to) submit to sth (迫使某人)屈服, 顺从:
bend to sb's will 顺从某人的意志 *
bend sb to one's will 使某人顺从. be bent on sth/on doing sth be determined on (a course of action); have one's mind firmly set on (doing) sth 决心采取( bend 2
[/bend; bɛnd/] n

1 curve or turn, esp in a road, racecourse, river, etc 弯, 拐角(尤指道路、赛场跑道、河流等):
a slight, gentle, sharp, sudden, etc bend 一个小小的、平缓的、急转的、突然出现的...弯.

2 sailor's knot for tying rope 绑结(水手打的绳结).

3 (idm 习语) (drive sb/be/go) round the bend/twist (infml) (make sb/be/become) crazy; mad (使某人)发疯, 恼火:
His behaviour is driving me round the bend, ie annoys me very much. 他的行为使我很恼火.





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