释义 |
[/ˈbetə(r); ˋbɛtɚ/] adj (comparative of good1 good1的比较级) 用法: 1 (a) of a more excellent or desirable kind 更好的; 更理想的: a better worker, job, car 更好的工作人员、工作、汽车 * You're a better man than I (am). 你人比我好. * The weather couldn't have been better. 天气好得不能再好了. * Life was difficult then but things have got better and better over the years. 那时生活很艰苦, 但情况已一年比一年好了. * He resolved to lead a better life (ie be more virtuous) in future. 他决心以後过较高尚的生活(更有道德的). (b) of a more precise or suitable kind 更准确的; 更合适的: Having talked to the witnesses I now have a better idea (of) what happened. 我与证人谈过话, 现在对所发生的事情更清楚了. * Can't you think of a better word than `nice' to describe your holiday? 你难道不能想出一个比`好'更恰当的字眼来形容你的假日吗? Cf 参看 best1. 用法: 2 partly or fully recovered from an illness 疾病渐愈或痊愈: The patient is much better today. 病人今天好多了. * His ankle is getting better. 他的脚踝渐渐痊愈了. Cf 参看 well2 1, worse. 用法: 3 (idm 习语) against one's better `judgement even though one feels that it may be unwise 即使感到可能不太好; 明知不可为而为之: He agreed, but very much against his better judgement. 他同意了, 但是他对此并不以为然. be better than one's `word be more generous than one has promised to be 比所许诺的更宽厚. be no better than she `should be (dated euph 旧, 婉) (of a woman) have casual sexual relationships (指女子)性关系随便, 不正经, 不规矩. the best/better part of sth => part1. one's better `feelings/`nature more honourable or virtuous part of one's character 个人的优良天性或高尚情操. one's better `half (infml joc 口, 谑) one's wife or husband 自己的妻子或丈夫. ,better luck `next time (saying 谚) (used to encourage sb after a setback 用以鼓励受挫的人) discretion is the better part of valour => discretion. half a loaf is better than none/than no bread => half. have seen/known better `days be poorer or in a worse state now than formerly 现在比以前穷困或情况恶劣; 曾有过一段好日子: That coat has seen better days. better 2 [/ˈbetə(r); ˋbɛtɚ/] adv (comparative of well2well2的比较级) 用法: 1 in a more pleasant, efficient, desirable, etc way 更愉快地; 更有效地; 更理想地: You would write better if you had a good pen. 要是有枝好笔, 就能写得更好. * She sings better than I (do). 她比我唱得好. 用法: 2 to a greater degree; more 较大程度地; 更: I like him better than her. 我喜欢他胜过喜欢她. * You'll like it better when you understand it more. 当你对它更了解时, 你就会更喜欢它. * The better I know her, the more I admire her. 我对她越了解, 就越爱慕她. 用法: 3 more usefully 更有用地: His advice is better ignored, ie It should be ignored. 他的话最好别听. * If the roads are icy, you'd be better advised (ie it would be more prudent) to delay your departure. 要是路上结冰了, 你最好考虑延期出发. 用法: 4 (idm 习语) be better off (doing sth) be wiser (to do sth specified) (对於做某事来说)是较为明智的: He'd be better off going to the police about it. 他最好把这件事报告警方. be better off without sb/sth be happier or more at ease without sb/sth 若无某人[某事物]会更快乐或更自在: We'd be better off without them as neighbours. 要是没有这家邻居, 我们就过得更愉快了. ,better the ,devil you `know (than the ,devil you `don't) (saying 谚) it is easier to deal with an undesirable but familiar person, situation, etc than to risk a change which may make things worse 跟认识的魔鬼打交道总比跟不认识的魔鬼打交道好(对付讨厌的但熟悉的人、事情等较容易; 若冒险改变情况, 可能更糟). ,better `late than `never (saying 谚) (a) (used as an excuse or apology for one's lateness 用作表示自己迟延的藉口或歉意) (b) some success, however delayed or small it is, is better than none at all 迟做总比根本不做好; 有些成绩总比完全没有好. better ,safe than `sorry (saying 谚) it is wiser to be over-cautious and take proper care than to be rash and careless (and so do sth which one may regret) 稳妥总比後悔好. better/worse still => still2. do better to do sth be more sensible if one does sth 若做某事则更明智: Don't buy now you'd do better to wait for the sales. 现在先别买--最好等到大减价时再买. go one `better better 3 [/ˈbetə(r); ˋbɛtɚ/] n 用法: 1 that which is better 更好者: We had hoped for better. 我们曾希望情况好转. * I expected better of him, ie I thought he would have behaved better. 我原来料想他会更好一些(我以为他能表现得好些). 用法: 2 (idm 习语) one's (elders and) `betters (older and) wiser, more experienced people 前辈; 长者: You should show greater respect for your elders and betters. 你应该对长辈和上级尊重些. a change for the better/worse => change2. (feel) (all) the better for sth benefiting physically or mentally from sth 从某事物中获得肉体上或精神上的享受: You'll feel all the better for (having had) a holiday. 度(了)一次假你就觉得好多了. for ,better (or) for `worse in both good and bad fortune 同甘共苦, 祸福与共. for ,better or `worse whether the result is good or bad 不管是好是坏; 不管结果如何: It's been done, and, for better or worse, we can't change it now. 事已至此, 无论是好是坏, 已无法改变. get the better of sb/sth defeat sb/sth 胜过某人[某事物]: You always get the better of me at chess. 你下国际象棋总是赢我. * His shyness got the better of him, ie He was overcome by shyness. 他羞得无地自容. get the better of sth win in (an argument, etc) (在争论等中)得胜: She always gets the better of our quarrels. 我们吵架时她总是占上风. the less/least said (about sb/sth) the better (saying 谚) that person or thing is an unpleasant subject and it is better not to talk about him/it 少提为妙. so much the `better/`worse (for sb/sth) that is even better/worse 甚至更好[更坏]: The result is not very important to us, but if we do win, (then) so much the better. 输赢对我们并不十分重要, 但假如我们真赢了, (那)就更好了. the sooner the better => soon. think (all) the better of sb => think1. better 4 [/ˈbetə(r); ˋbɛtɚ/] v [Tn] 用法: 1 (a) do better than (sth); surpass 胜过(某事物); 超越: This achievement cannot be bettered. 这一成就好得不能再好了. (b) improve (sth) 改善(某事物): The government hopes to better the conditions of the workers. 政府希望改善工作人员的状况. 用法: 2 ~ oneself get a better social position or status 获得更好的社会地位; 高升. |