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单词 bite 1
释义 [/baɪt; baɪt/] v (pt bit[/bɪt; bɪt/], pp bitten[/ˈbɪtn;ˋbɪtn/])

1 [I, Ipr, Tn] ~ (into sth) cut into or nip (sth/sb) with the teeth 咬(某物[某人]):
Does your dog bite? ie Is it in the habit of biting people? 你的狗咬人吗? *
She bit into the apple. 她咬了一口苹果. *
That dog just bit me in the leg. 那条狗刚咬了我的腿. *
Stop biting your nails! 别再咬指甲了!

2 [Tn] (of an insect) sting; (of a snake) pierce (sb's skin) with its teeth (指昆虫)咬、叮、蜇;(指蛇)咬:
badly bitten by mosquitoes 被蚊子叮得很厉害 *
(joc 谑) We were bitten to death (ie bitten a great deal) by flies while camping. 露营时我们让飞虫咬得死去活来.

3 [I] (of fish) take or try to take the bait (指鱼)吞饵, 吃饵, 咬饵:
The fish won't bite today. 今天鱼不上钩. *
(fig 比喻) I tried to sell him my old car, but he wouldn't bite, ie he didn't accept the offer. 我打算把我的旧汽车卖给他, 可是他不肯上钩.

4 [I, Tn] (cause sb/sth to) smart or sting (使某人[某物])感觉剧痛或刺痛:
Her fingers were bitten by the frost/were `frost-bitten. 她的手指冻伤了.

5 [I] take a strong hold; grip sth firmly 紧握; 抓紧, 咬住(某物):
Wheels won't bite on a slippery surface. 车轮打滑.

6 [I] become effective, usu in an unpleasant way 见效(通常指坏事):
The miners' strike is really starting to bite. 矿工罢工就要真正显出威力了.

7 (idm 习语) be bitten by sth have a strong interest in or enthusiasm for sth 对某事物有强烈的兴趣; 热衷於某事物:
John's taken up stamp-collecting; he seems really bitten by it. 约翰已经著手集邮, 好像真入迷了. bite the `bullet accept sth unpleasant in a resigned way 硬著头皮接受不愉快的事物. bite the `dust (infml) (a) fall down dead 倒地而死.
(b) be defeated or rejected 被打败; 被拒绝:
Another of my great ideas bites the dust! 我的一个好主意又碰壁了! bite the hand that `feeds one be unfriendly to or harm sb who has been kind to one 对有德於己的人怀恶意或加害; 忘恩负义. bite sb's head off (infml) criticize sb angrily (and often unfairly) 愤怒地批评某人(常为不公正地):
I was only five minutes late but she really bit my head off. 我 bite 2
[/baɪt; baɪt/] n

1 [C] (a) act of biting 咬:
eat sth in one bite 将某物一口吃下去 *
The dog gave me a playful bite. 狗咬著我玩儿.
(b) piece cut off by biting 咬下来的一块:
A bite had been taken out of my sandwich. 我的三明治给咬去了一口.

2 [sing] (infml) food 食物:
I haven't had a bite (to eat) all morning. 整整一早晨我一口东西都没吃.

3 [C] wound made by a bite or a sting 咬伤; 叮伤; 蜇伤:
insect, mosquito, snake bites 虫咬伤、蚊子叮伤、蛇咬伤.

4 [C] taking of bait by a fish 鱼吞食诱饵; 上钩:
anglers waiting for a bite 等著鱼上钩的垂钓者.

5 [sing, U] sharpness; sting 尖刻; 刺痛:
There's a bite in the air, ie It's cold. 寒风刺骨. *
His words had no bite, ie were harmless or ineffective. 他的话里没有尖刻的意思. *
This cheese has a real bite, ie a strong flavour. 这乾酪的味可真厉害.

6 [U] cutting power or firm grip 切割能力; 紧抓; 紧握; 吃住:
This drill has no bite. 这个钻钻不进去.

7 (idm 习语) sb's bark is worse than his bite => bark2. have/get two bites at the `cherry have a second opportunity to do sth; make a second attempt at doing sth 有做某事的第二次机会; 作第二次的尝试.





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