[/ˈblesɪd; ˋblɛsɪd/] adj 用法: 1 holy; sacred 神圣的; 圣洁的: the Blessed Virgin, ie the mother of Jesus, the Virgin Mary 圣母马利亚(耶稣之母). 用法: 2 (in religious language) fortunate (宗教用语)有福的: Blessed are the meek. 温顺的人有福了. 用法: 3 [attrib 作定语] giving pleasure; enjoyable 带来欢乐的; 令人愉快的: a moment of blessed calm 充满欢乐的太平时刻. 用法: 4 (in the Roman Catholic Church) (of a person) beatified by the Pope (天主教)(指人)受教皇宣福礼的. 用法: 5 (euph infml 婉, 口) (used to express mild anger, surprise, etc 用以表示轻度气愤、惊奇等) damned 该死的; 他妈的: I can't see a blessed thing without my glasses. 我不带眼镜他妈的甚麽也看不清. |