[/ˈblʌdɪ; ˋblʌdɪ/] adj (-ier, -iest) 用法: 1 covered with blood; bleeding 血染的; 出血的: His clothes were torn and bloody. 他的衣服撕破了并染有血迹. * give sb a bloody nose, ie hit sb's nose so that it bleeds 把某人打得鼻孔流血. 用法: 2 involving much bloodshed 大量流血的; 伤亡惨重的: a bloody battle 一场血战. 用法: 3 cruel; bloodthirsty 残忍的; 嗜血成性的: a bloody deed, murder, tyrant 残忍的行为、血腥的谋杀、嗜杀成性的暴君. bloody 2 v (pt, pp bloodied) [Tn] stain (sb/sth) with blood 使(某人[某事物])沾上血迹. bloody 3 [/ˈblʌdɪ; ˋblʌdɪ/] adj [attrib 作定语], adv ( Britinfml 讳, 口) 用法: 1 (used to emphasize a judgement or comment用以加强判断或评论的语气) utter(ly); absolute(ly); extreme(ly) 完全; 绝对; 极端: bloody nonsense, rubbish, etc 胡闹、无聊...透顶 * This rail strike is a bloody nuisance. 这次铁路罢工真讨厌. * What a bloody waste of time! 多浪费时间哪! * That was a bloody good meal! 这真是一顿非常丰盛的饭菜! 用法: 2 (used to stress anger or annoyance 用以加强愤怒或厌恶的语气): What the bloody hell are you doing? 你到底在搞甚麽鬼? * I don't bloody care. 我根本就不在乎. 用法: 3 (idm 习语) bloody well (Brit infml) (used to emphasize an angry statement, esp an order 用以强调气愤的话, 尤指命令) certainly; definitely 当然; 的确: `I'm not coming with you. ' `Yes you bloody well are!' `我不跟你一块儿去.'`不行, 你一定得跟我一块儿去!' |