[/ˈbɔrəu; ˋbɑro/] v [I, Ipr, Tn, Tn.pr] ~ (sth) (from sb/sth) 用法: 1 receive or obtain (sth) temporarily (from sb/sth), with the promise or intention of returning it (向某人[从某处])借(某物): borrow (money) from the bank, a friend 向银行、朋友借(钱) * I've forgotten my pen. Could I borrow yours? 我忘了带笔. 可以借用一下你的吗? * borrow a book from the library 向图书馆借书. Cf 参看 lend. 用法: 2 (a) take and use (sth) as one's own; copy (sth) 将别人的(某物)当作自己的来使用; 抄袭(某事物): borrow freely from other writers 肆意抄袭其他作者的作品 * borrow sb's ideas, methods 采用某人的想法、方法 * Handel borrowed music from other composers. 韩德尔的作品借鉴了其他作曲家的乐曲. (b) (of a language) adopt (a word or phrase) from another language (指某语言)借用(另一种语言的词语): The expression `nouveau riche' is borrowed from French. `nouveau riche'(暴发户)这个词是从法语借来的. 用法: 3 (idm 习语) (be living on) borrowed time period of time for which one continues living after an illness or a crisis which might have caused one to die (大难未死)继续活著的一段时间. |