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单词 brain 1
释义 [/breɪn; bren/] n

1 [C] organ of the body that controls thought, memory and feeling, consisting of a mass of soft grey matter inside the head 脑:
a disease of the brain 脑部疾患 *
The brain is the centre of the nervous system. 脑是神经系统的中枢. *
[attrib 作定语] brain surgery 脑外科.

2 [U, C often pl 常作复数] mind or intellect; intelligence 头脑; 智力:
He has very little brain. 他没有什麽头脑. *
She has an excellent brain. 她很有头脑. *
You need brains to become a university professor. 当大学教授要有才智. *
He has one of the best brains in the university. 他是这所大学里才智出众的人.

3 (a) [C] (infml) clever person; intellectual 聪明人; 知识分子:
He is one of the leading brains in the country. 他是国家的知识分子精英.
(b) the brains [sing v] (infml) cleverest person in a group 智力超群的人:
He's the brains of the family. 他是全家最聪明的人. *
She was the brains behind the whole scheme. 她是整个方案背後的主脑.

4 (idm 习语) blow one's brains out => blow1. cudgel one's brains => cudgel. have sth on the brain (infml) think about sth constantly; be obsessed by sth 一心想著某事物; 对某事物入迷:
I've had this tune on the brain all day but I can't remember what it's called. 我脑海里整天回荡著这个曲调, 但我想不起来叫什麽了. pick sb's brains => pick3. rack one's brain(s) => rack2. tax one's/sb's brains => tax. brain 2
v [Tn] kill (a person or an animal) with a heavy blow on the head (猛击头部)打死(人或动物):
(fig infml 比喻, 口) I nearly brained myself on that low beam. 那低矮的横梁险些把我的头撞碎.





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