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单词 break 1
释义 [/breɪk; brek/] v (pt broke[/brəuk; brok/], pp broken[/ˈbrəukən; ˋbrokən/])

1 (a) [I, Ipr] ~ (in/into sth) (of a whole object) separate into two or more parts as a result of force or strain (but not by cutting) (指完整物体)破, 碎, 断(非切割所致):
The string broke. 绳子断了. *
Glass breaks easily. 玻璃容易破碎. *
The bag broke under the weight of the shopping inside it. 买的东西太重, 把袋子撑破了. *
She dropped the plate and it broke into pieces/in two. 她把盘子摔碎[两半]了.
(b) [Tn,] ~ sth (in/into sth) cause (a whole object) to do this 弄破, 弄碎, 弄断(完整物体):
break a cup, vase, window, etc 打破杯子、花瓶、窗户等 *
She fell off a ladder and broke her arm. 她从梯子上摔下来, 跌断了胳膊. *
If you pull too hard you will break the rope. 如果太用力拉, 就会把绳子拉断. *
He broke the bar of chocolate into two (pieces). 他把巧克力掰成两半.

2 [I, Tn] become unusable by being damaged; make (sth) unusable by damaging 已坏; 损坏(某物):
My watch is broken. 我的表坏了.

3 [Tn] cut the surface of (the skin) so as to cause bleeding 弄破(皮肤)表面以致出血:
The dog bit me but didn't break the skin. 那狗咬了我一口, 但是没有把皮咬破.

4 [Tn] not follow or obey (sth); fail to observe (a law, promise, etc) 不依从或不服从(某事物); 不遵守(法律、诺言等):
break the law, the rules, the conditions, etc 违反法律、规则、所定条件等 *
break an agreement, a contract, a promise, one's word, etc 违反协议、合同、诺言、自己说的话等 *
break an appointment, ie fail to come to it 爽约(未能赴约) *
He was breaking the speed limit, ie travelling faster than the law allows. 他违章超速行驶.

5 [I, Ip] ~ (off) stop doing sth for a while; pause 稍停; 停顿:
Let's break for tea. 咱们停一停, 喝点儿茶.

6 [Tn] (a) destroy the continuity of (sth); interrupt 中断(某事物); 打断:
break sb's concentration 分散某人的注意力 *
We broke our journey (to London) at Oxford, ie stopped in Oxford on the way to London. 我们在牛津中止了(去伦敦的)行程. *
a broken night's sleep, ie a night during which the sleeper keeps waking 夜间断断续续? break 2
[/breɪk; brek/] n

1 ~ (in sth) (a) opening made by breaking; broken place 裂缝; 破裂处:
a break in a fence, wall, water-pipe 篱笆、墙壁、水管的裂口.
(b) gap; space 空隙; 空间:
a break in the clouds, ie where blue sky is visible 云层间的空隙(可以看到蓝天) *
Wait for a break in the traffic before crossing the road. 要等到暂无车辆来往时, 再过马路.

(a) interval, esp between periods of work; pause (时间的)间隙(尤指工作期间的); 停歇:
morning break, eg between lessons at school 上午的休息(如课间时) *
lunch-break, eg in an office, a school or a factory 午餐时间的休息(如办公室、学校或工厂中的) *
have/take an hour's break for lunch 休息一小时进午餐 *
work for five hours without a break 五小时一直不间断地工作 *
a break in a conversation 谈话中的停顿.
(b) short holiday 短期假日:
a weekend break in the country 在乡村过的周末假日.

3 ~ (in sth); ~ (with sb/sth) (a) change or interruption in sth continuous (有连贯性的事物的)改变, 中断:
a break in a child's education 孩子教育的中断 *
a break in the weather, ie a change from bad to good weather 天气的转变(由坏转好) *
a break with tradition, ie a significant change from what is accepted in art, behaviour, morals, etc 与旧传统决裂(背离公认的艺术、行为、道德等准则).
(b) discontinuation or end of a relationship 中止或断绝关系:
a break in diplomatic relations 外交关系的中断 *
She's been depressed since the break with her boy-friend. 她自从与男朋友断绝关系以来一直情绪消沉.

4 (infml) piece of luck, esp one that leads to further success 机会; 幸运; (尤指)转运, 转机:
a big/lucky break 难得的[幸运的]机会 *
a bad break, ie a piece of bad luck 坏运气(倒霉) *
give sb a break, ie a chance to show his ability 给某人一次机会(表现才能的时机).

5 (in cricket) change in direction of a bowled ball as it bounces (板球)(投的球)改向反弹:
an off/a leg break, ie a ball that spins to the right/left on bouncing 球向右的[左的]旋转反弹.

6 (also break of service, service break) (in tennis) instance of winning a point when one's opponent is serving (网球)接对手发球时 break 3
Break applies especially to a rest during the working day or at school *break尤用作工间或课间的休息:
a lunch, coffee break 午餐时间的、喝咖啡时间的休息 *
the mid-morning break 上午的中间休息 *

10 minutes' break 10分钟的休息. It also covers the meanings of several other words. 这个词还含有其他几个词的意思. A pause is usually short and often applied to speech *pause通常为时很短, 常用於指讲话中的停顿:
a pause for breath 喘口气的停顿 *
a pause/break in the conversation 谈话中的停顿. Recess is the scheduled holiday of Parliament, and in US English it is also the break between school classes.*recess是议会的规定假日, 美式英语中还指学校课间的休息. An interval in British English is the break between the parts of a play, etc *interval在英式英语中指戏剧等演出的幕间休息:
We had a quick drink in the interval. 我们在中间休息时匆匆喝了点东西. This is also called an intermission, especially in US English. 这种休息也叫 intermission, 尤用於美式英语. An interlude may be an interval or a short event during a longer activity, often contrasting with it *interlude可指interval, 也可指在一长期活动中的片段, 往往是相对长期活动而言的:
Her time in Paris was a happy interlude in a difficult career. 她在巴黎期间是她艰辛的事业中一段愉快的插曲. A rest does not indicate a definite length of time, but suggests a necessary period of relaxation after an activity *rest不表示确切的时间长短, 而是指在一活动之後需要松驰的一段时间:
You look tired. You need a good rest. 你看来累了. 你需要好好休息一下.





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