释义 |
[/brauz; braʊz/] v 用法: 1 (a) [I] examine books in a casual, leisurely way 随意翻阅书刊; 浏览: browse in a library/bookshop 在图书馆[书店]里浏览书籍. (b) [Ipr] ~ through sth look through (a book, etc) in this way 浏览(书等): browse through a magazine 浏览杂志. 用法: 2 [I] (of cows, goats, etc) feed by nibbling grass, leaves, etc (指牛、羊等)吃(草、树叶等): cattle browsing in the fields 在田间吃草的牛. browse 2 n (usu sing 通常作单数) (act or period of) browsing 浏览: have a browse in a bookshop 在书店浏览一段时间. |