[/ˈkæθəlɪk; ˋkæθəlɪk/] adj 用法: 1 = Roman Catholic (Roman): the Catholic Church 天主教会 * a Catholic priest, school 天主教教士、 学校. Cf 参看 Protestant. 用法: 2 (also catholic) of or relating to all Christians or the whole Christian Church 天主教的; 与天主教有关的. Catholic 2 n (abbr 缩写 Cath) member of the Roman Catholic Church 天主教徒: Is she a Catholic or a Protestant? 她是天主教徒还是新教徒? catholic [/ˈkæθəlɪk; ˋkæθəlɪk/] adj including many or most things; general; universal 包罗万象的; 广泛的; 普遍的: have catholic tastes, interests, views, etc 广泛的爱好、 兴趣、 意见等. |