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单词 change 1
释义 [/tʃeɪndʒ; tʃendʒ/] v

1 [I, Tn] (cause sb/sth to) become different; alter (使某人[某事物])变; 改变:
You've changed a lot since I last saw you. 自从我上次见到你以来, 你改变了很多. *
Our plans have changed. 我们的计划已经改变了. *
change one's attitude, ideas, opinion, etc 改变态度、 主意、 意见等 *
an event which changed the course of history 改变历史进程的事件. =>Usage 见所附用法.

(a) [Ipr,] ~ (sb/sth) (from sth) to/into sth (cause sb/sth to) pass from one form to another (使某人[某事物])改变形式:
Caterpillars change into butterflies or moths. 毛虫能变成蝴蝶或蛾子. *
The witch changed the prince into a frog. 巫婆把王子变成了青蛙.
(b) [I, Ipr,] ~ (sb/sth) (from A) (to/into B) (cause sb/sth to) pass from one stage to another (使某人[某事物])进入另一阶段:
The traffic lights have changed (from red to green). 交通灯由红灯变绿灯了. *
Britain changed to a metric system of currency in 1970. 1970年英国已改用公制货币.

3 (a) [Tn,] ~ sb/sth (for sb/sth) take or use another instead of sb/sth; replace sb/sth with another 替换或代替某人[某事物]:
change one's doctor 另找一位医生看病 *
change one's job 换一份工作 *
change one's address, ie move to a new home 更改地址 *
change a light bulb 换个灯泡 *
change gear, ie engage a different gear in a car, etc in order to travel at a higher or lower speed 换挡(汽车等换另一排挡, 以加速或减速行车) *
I must change these trousers (ie put on a clean pair) they've got oil on them. 我必须换换裤子(换一条乾净的)--上面弄上油了. *
I'm thinking of changing my car for a bigger one. 我正在考虑换辆大汽车.
(b) [Tn] move from one (thing, direction, etc) to another; switch 转换, 转变(事物、 方向等):
change sides, eg in a war, debate, etc 转变立场(如在战争、 辩论中等) *
The ship changed course, ie began to travel in a different direction. 轮船改变了航向. *
The wind has changed direction. 风向变了.
(C) [Tn,] ~ sth (with sb) (used with a pl object 与复数宾语连用) (of two people) exchange (positions, places, etc) (指两人)交换(位置、 地方等):
Can we change seats?/Can I change seats with you? 咱们可以换换座位吗? [我可以和你换个座位吗?]
(d) [I, Ipr, Tn] ~ (from sth to sth) go from one (train, bus, etc) to another 换乘(火车、 公共汽车等):
Change (trains) at Crewe for Stockport. 在克鲁换(火)车到斯托克波特去. *
This is where we change from car to bus. 这就是我们从小汽车换乘公共汽车的地方. *
All change! ie This train stops here; everyone must leave it. 所有乘客全部换车! (本次列车已到终点站, 所有乘客均须下车.)
(e) [Tn] put different clothes or covering on (sb/sth) 给(某人[某物])换上衣服或覆盖物:
change (ie put a clean nappy on) the baby 给婴儿换尿布 *
change (ie put clean sheets on) the beds 换床单.

4 [I, Ipr] ~ (out of sth) (into sth) take off one's clothes and put others on 换衣服; 更衣:
go upstairs to change 到楼上换衣服 *
change (ie into more formal clothes) for dinner 换上宴会服 *
Go and change out of those damp clothes into something dry. 去把湿衣服脱掉换上乾的.

5 [Tn,] ~ sth (for/into sth) give or receive (money) in exchange for the equivalent sum in coins or notes of smaller value or in a different currency 兑换(钱):
Can you change a five-pound note? 你能换开五英镑的票子吗? *
I need to change my dollars into francs. 我需要把美金换成法郎.

6 (idm 习语) change `hands pass into another person's possession 归另一人所有; 转手:
The house has changed hands several times recently. 这房子最近几经转手. change/swap horses in midstream => horse. change one's/sb's `mind alter one's decision or opinion 改变决定或意见:
Nothing will make me change my mind. 任何事情都不能使我改变主意. change `places (with sb) (of two people, groups, etc) exchange positions, seats, etc (指两人、 组等)交换地位、 座位等:
Let me change places with you/Let's change places so you can be next to the window. 我和你换换地方吧[咱们换换地方吧, 这样你就能靠近窗户]. change one's spots (try to) be or do sth that is against one's nature (试图)违反本性或做违反本性的事; 改变本性. change step adjust one's step when marching so that one is marching in the correct rhythm 行军时调整步伐跟上节奏. ,change the `subject start talking about sth different 开始谈其他的事; 改变话题. ,change one's `tune (infml) alter one's manner or attitude, eg becoming humble instead of insolent 改变举止或态度(如前倨後恭). change one's ways start to live one's life differently, esp in order to suit changed circumstances 开始过另一种生活(尤指为适应环境的改变). chop and change => chop3.

7 (phr v) change back (into sb/sth) return to one's earlier form, character, etc 回复到原来的样子、 特性等:
Cats can never change back into kittens. 老猫绝变不成小猫. change back (into sth) take off one's clothes and put on others that one was wearing earlier 换上原来穿的衣物:
Can I change back into my jeans now? 现在我能换上原来穿的牛仔裤了吗? change sth back (into sth) give back (money) and receive the equivalent sum in the original currency 将(钱)换成原来的货币:
change back francs into dollars 将法郎换成原来的美元. ,change `down engage a lower gear when driving a car, etc (开汽车等时)换成低挡. ,change `over (from sth) (to sth) change from one system or position to another 改变制度或地位:
The country has changed over from military to democratic rule. 这个国家已经由军事统治转变为民主领导. ,change `up engage a higher gear when driving a car, etc (开汽车等时)换成高挡. change 2
Change has a general use and indicates any act of making something different *change的词义很广, 表示使某事物改变的任何作用:
Most English women change their names when they marry. 英国妇女大多因结婚而改姓. *
He changed the design of the house completely. 他完全更改了房屋的设计. Alter indicates the making of a small difference in the appearance, character, use, etc of something *alter表示使某事物在外观、 性质、 用途等方面稍作改变:
I'll have to alter the diagram. I've made a mistake. 我得修改图表. 我出了点儿错. Modify is more formal. *modify一词较文. When applied to objects, especially machines, it suggests a partial change in structure or function 用於物体时, 尤指用於机器时, 表示结构或功能的部分改变:
The car has been modified for racing. 这辆汽车已改装为赛车. It can also indicate the softening of attitudes, opinions, etc 这个词还可表示态度、 意见等的软化:
He'll have to modify his views if he wants to be elected. 他要想当选就得把观点改得缓和些. Vary describes the changing of something or its parts, often temporarily and repeatedly *vary所指某事物或其部分的改变常为暂时的或反覆的:
It's better to vary your diet rather than eat the same things all the time. 你最好变换一下饮食, 不要总吃同样的东西. All these verbs (except modify) can also be used intransitively 所有这些动词(除modify外)还均可用作不及物动词:
Her expression changed when she heard the news. 她听到这一消息时表情就变了. *
This place hasn't altered since I was a girl. 从我幼时起, 这地方就没发生过变化. *
Political opinions vary according to wealth, age, etc. 政治见解因财富、 年龄等不同而有所区别. change 3
[/tʃeɪndʒ; tʃendʒ/] n

1 [C, U] ~ (in/to sth) (act of) making or becoming different; alteration 变化(的行动); 改变; 变更; 变动:
a change in the weather 天气的变化 *
There has been a change in the programme. 节目有变动. *
The Government plans to make important changes to the tax system. 政府计划对税收制度作重大改变. *
Doctors say there is no change in the patient's condition. 医生说病人的情况没有变化. *
Are you for or against change? 你赞同还是反对改动?

2 [C] ~ (of sth) (a) act of changing one thing for another 从一事物改换成另一事物的行动:
a change of job 换工作 *
Please note my change of address. 请注意我改换了地址. *
The party needs a change of leader. 这个党需要更换领袖. *
This is the third change of government the country has seen in two years. 这次是国家两年来的第三次政府更替.
(b) thing used in place of another or others 替代物:
Don't forget to take a change of (ie a second set of) clothes. 不要忘记带著替换的衣服.

3 [C] ~ (from sth) (to sth) (a) act of going from one train or bus to another 换车; 转车:
He had to make a quick change at Crewe. 他得在克鲁迅速换车.
(b) changed or different routine, occupation or surroundings 改换後的或另一路线、 职业或环境:
a welcome change from town to country life 从城市到乡村生活的喜人变化 *
She badly needs a change. 她亟须改变一下.

4 [U] (a) coins or notes of lower values equivalent to a single coin or note of a higher value 辅币:
Can you give me/Have you got change for a five-pound note? 你能否给我[你有没有]五英镑的辅币?
(b) coins of low value 低值硬币:
I've no small change. 我没有零钱.
(C) money returned when the price of sth is less than the amount given in payment 找回的钱; 找给的钱:
Don't forget your change! 不要忘了找你的钱! *
25p change 找给25便士.

5 (idm 习语) a change for the `better/`worse improvement/worsening of sth that already exists or that has gone before 现有的或曾有过的某事物的改善[变坏]:
The situation is now so bad that any change is likely to be a change for the better. 目前情况恶劣, 只要有变化就是向好处变. a ,change of `air/`climate different conditions or surroundings 换换条件或环境:
A change of air (eg a holiday away from home) will do you good. 换换环境(如离家度假)对你有好处. a ,change of `heart great change in one's attitude or feelings, esp towards greater friendliness or co-operation 态度或感情的巨大变化(尤指对增进友好或合作关系). the ,change of `life (euph 婉) = menopause. for a `change to vary one's routine; for the sake of variety 为了改变常规; 为了有变化:
We usually go to France in the summer, but this year we're going to Spain for a change. 我们夏天通常去法国, 但今年为了换个地方我们去西班牙. get no change out of sb (infml) receive no help, information, etc from sb 从某人处得不到帮助、 信息等. ring the changes => ring2.





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