释义 |
[/tʃɪnk; tʃɪŋk/] n 用法: 1 narrow opening; crack; slit 缝隙; 裂口; 裂缝: Sunlight entered the room through a chink in the curtains. 阳光穿过窗帘的缝隙照射到室内. * He peeped through a chink in the fence. 他从围栏的缝隙窥视. 用法: 2 (idm 习语) a chink in sb's `armour weak point or flaw in sb's argument, character, etc (论点、 性格等的)弱点或缺陷. chink 2 [/tʃɪŋk; tʃɪŋk/] n ~ (of sth) light ringing sound (as) of coins, glasses, etc striking together (硬币、 玻璃杯等相互轻碰的)叮当声: the chink of crockery 陶器相碰发出的叮当声. chink 3 v [I, Ip, Tn, Tn.p] ~ (A and B) (together) (cause things to) make this sound (使)发叮当声: We chinked glasses and drank each other's health. 我们叮叮当当地碰杯为彼此的健康祝酒. |