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单词 claim 1
释义 [/kleɪm; klem/] v

1 (a) [Tn] demand or request (sth) because it is or one believes it is one's right or one's property 要求或索要(某事物)(因是应得的权利或财物):
claim diplomatic immunity, the protection of the law, etc 要求外交豁免、 法律保护等 *
After the Duke's death, his eldest son claimed the title. 公爵死後, 其长子要求继承爵位. *
She claims ownership (ie says she is the rightful owner) of the land. 她对这块土地的产权提出要求(称她是合法所有人). *
claim an item of lost property 认领丢失的财物 *
(fig 比喻) Gardening claims (ie takes up) much of my time in the summer. 夏天, 园艺工作需要(占去)我大量时间.
(b) [I, Ipr, Tn] ~ (for sth) demand (money) under an insurance policy, as compensation, etc 凭保险单要求赔偿(款项); 索赔:
Have you claimed (the insurance) yet? 你索取(保险金)了吗? *
You can always claim on the insurance. 反正出了事可按保险索赔. *
claim for damages 要求损害赔偿金.

2 [Tn, Tf, Tt] state or declare (sth) as a fact (without being able to prove it); assert 声称; 宣称; 断言:
claim knowledge (ie to have knowledge) of sth 自称知道某事 *
After the battle both sides claimed victory. 战斗结束後, 双方均宣称获胜. *
She claims (that) she is related to the Queen/claims to be related to the Queen. 她声称和女王有亲属关系.

3 [Tn] (of things) need (sth); deserve (指事物)需要, 值得:
important matters claiming one's attention值得注意的重要事情.

4 [Tn] (of a disaster, an accident, etc) cause the loss or death of (sb) (指灾难、 事故等)使(某人)失踪或死亡:
The earthquake claimed thousands of lives/victims. 地震夺去数以千计的[人]罹难者的生命.

5 (phr v) claim sth back ask for sth to be returned 要回某物; 索回:
You can claim your money back if the goods are damaged. 货物有损坏, 可以要求退钱. claim 2
[/kleɪm; klem/] n

1 [C] (a) ~ (for sth) demand for a sum of money (as insurance, compensation, a wage increase, etc) 索款(作为保险金、 赔偿、 增薪等):
put in/make a claim for damages, a pay rise, etc 提出损害赔偿、 增薪等要求.
(b) sum of money demanded 索要的金额:
That's a very large claim! 索要的是一大笔钱!

2 [C, U] ~ (to sth); ~ (on sb/sth) right to sth 对某事物的权利:
His claim to ownership is invalid. 他的所有权是无效的. *
a claim to the throne 对获得王位的权利 *
You have no claim on (ie no right to ask for) my sympathy. 你没有要我同情的权利. *
His only claim to fame (ie The only remarkable thing about him) is that he once met Stalin. 他唯一出风头的事是他与斯大林有一面之缘.

3 [C] statement of sth as a fact; assertion 称某事为事实的陈述; 声称; 断言:
Nobody believed his claim that he was innocent/to be innocent. 他说他清白, 谁也不相信.

4 [C] thing claimed, esp a piece of land 索要之物(尤指土地).

5 (idm 习语) lay claim to sth (a) state that one has a right to sth 声称对某事物有权利:
lay claim to an inheritance, an estate, a property, etc 声称对遗产、 产业、 财产等有权利.
(b) (usu negative 通常作否定) state that one has knowledge, understanding, a skill, etc 自称有知识、 智力、 技能等:
I lay no claim to being an expert economist. 我决不自命为经济学专家. stake a/one's claim => stake.





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