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单词 clean 1
释义 [/kliːn; klin/] adj (-er, -est)

1 (a) free from dirt or impurities 清洁的; 乾净的; 无杂质的:
clean hands 乾净的手 *
clean air, ie free from smoke, etc 清洁的空气 *
a clean wound, ie one that is not infected 未感染的伤口 *
wash, wipe, scrub, brush, etc sth clean 把某物洗、 擦、 擦洗、 刷...乾净.
(b) that has been washed since it was last worn or used 洗过的:
a clean dress, towel, knife 洗过的连衣裙、 手巾、 小刀 *
He wears clean socks every day. 他每天穿新洗的袜子. *
put clean sheets on a bed 把洗过的床单铺在床上.
(C) having clean habits; caring about cleanliness 爱乾净的; 讲究清洁的:
Cats are clean animals. 猫很爱乾净.

2 not yet used; unmarked 尚未用过的; 未作过标记的:
a clean sheet of paper 一张白纸.

3 (a) not obscene or indecent 不猥亵的; 不下流的:
Keep it clean! ie Don't tell dirty jokes! 嘴乾净点! (别开下流玩笑!)
(b) (dated 旧) good; innocent 好的; 无辜的; 清白的:
lead a clean life 过清白的生活.
(C) showing or having no record of offences 无过失记录的:
a clean driving-licence, ie one with no endorsements 无违章记录的驾驶执照 *
She has a clean record. 她无违法记录.
(d) keeping to the rules; not unfair 遵守规则的; 公平的; 正当的; 不违例的:
a hard-fought but clean match 激烈而规矩的比赛 *
a clean tackle, eg in a game of football 正当的抢截(如在足球赛中).

4 having a simple and pleasing shape; well-formed 外形简洁美观的; 形状好的:
a car with clean lines 美观的汽车.

5 with a smooth edge or surface; regular; even 边或面光滑的; 规则的; 均匀的; 整齐的:
A sharp knife makes a clean cut. 快刀切得整齐. *
a clean break, eg the breaking of a bone in one place 整齐的断裂处(如骨折於一处).

6 (esp in sport) skilfully and accurately done (尤指体育运动)动作纯熟准确的, 乾净利落的:
a clean hit, stroke, blow, etc 乾净利落的击中目标、 一击、 一拳等.

7 (infml) (of a nuclear weapon) producing little radioactivity (指核武器)几乎无放射性尘埃的.

8 (idm 习语) (as) clean as a new `pin (infml) very clean and tidy 非常整洁. (as) clean as a `whistle (infml) (a) very clean 非常清洁.
(b) skilfully; deftly 熟练地; 灵巧地:
The dog jumped through the hoop as clean as a whistle, ie without touching it. 狗灵巧地跳过钻圈(没有触到圈). a clean bill of `health report showing that one's health is good, esp after illness 健康状况良好的报告(尤指病後):
The doctor gave him a clean bill of health. 医生给他一份健康良好的报告. a clean `sheet/`slate record of work or behaviour that does not show any wrongdoing in the past 过去工作或操行中无过错的记录:
He came out of prison hoping to start (life) again with a clean sheet, ie with his previous offences forgotten. 他出狱後希望重新做人. (make) a clean sweep (of sth) (a) the removing of things or people that are thought to be unnecessary 去掉认为不必要的事物或人; 清除; 撤换:
The new manager made a clean sweep of the department. 新经理清除了部门中的冗员.
(b) victory in all of a group of similar or related competitions, games, etc (在所有有关竞争、 比赛等中)大获全胜:
The Russians made a clean sweep of (the medals in) the gymnastics events. 俄罗斯运动员囊括体操项目奖牌. keep one's nose clean => nose1. make a clean break (with sth) change one's previous manner of living entirely 完全改变以前的生活方式:
He's made a clean break with the past. 他完全改变了过去的生活方式. make a clean breast of sth make a full confession of sth 完全承认某事物:
He made a clean breast of his crime to the police. 他向警方如实招供. show a clean pair of heels => show2. wipe the slate clean => wipe. clean 2

1 completely; entirely 彻底地; 完全地; 全部地:
The bullet went clean through his shoulder. 子弹穿透他的肩膀. *
The thief got clean away. 窃贼逃得无影无踪. *
I clean forgot about it. 我把它忘得一乾二净. *
The batsman was clean bowled, ie without the ball hitting the bat or the pads first. 击球员被迫出局(球未先击中球板或护胫).

2 (idm 习语) come clean (with sb) (about sth) (infml) make a full and honest confession 全盘招供; 和盘托出:
I've got to come `clean (with you) I was the one who broke the window. 我(向你)说实话--窗户是我打破的. clean 3
[/kliːn; klin/] v

1 (a) [Tn] make (sth) clean or free of dirt, etc 使(某物)清洁或无灰尘等:
clean the windows, one's shoes, one's teeth 擦窗户、 擦鞋、 刷牙 *
I must have this suit cleaned, ie at the dry-cleaner's. 我得把这套衣服送去乾洗. *
The cat sat cleaning itself. 猫坐著舔乾净自己的身体.
(b) [I] become clean 变乾净:
This floor cleans easily, ie is easy to clean. 这地面容易擦洗乾净.

2 (phr v) clean sth down clean sth thoroughly by wiping or brushing it 擦净或刷净某物:
clean down the walls 擦净墙壁. clean sth from/off sth remove sth from sth by brushing, scraping, wiping, etc 从某物上将他物刷掉、 刮掉、 擦掉等:
She cleaned the dirt from her finger-nails. 她从指甲里剔掉污垢. clean sth out clean the inside of sth thoroughly 彻底将某物内部弄得乾乾净净:
clean out the stables 彻底清扫马厩. clean sb out (of sth) (infml) use up or take all sb's money; take or buy all sb's stock 将某人所有的钱用完或取走; 将某人所有的存货取走或买走:
I haven't a penny left; buying drinks for everyone has cleaned me out completely. 我一个便士都没有了, 给大家买饮料把我的钱全花光了. *
The burglars cleaned her out of all her jewellery. 窃贼把她所有的首饰都偷走了. clean (oneself) up (infml) wash oneself 把身体洗乾净:
My hands are filthy; I'd better go and clean (myself) up. 我的手脏了, 最好去洗洗. clean (sth) up (a) remove (dirt, rubbish, etc) from a place to clean it; make (a place) clean by removing dirt, etc 除去(污物、 垃圾等)把一地方打扫乾净; 除去污物等使(一地方)乾净:
The workmen cleaned up (the mess) before they left. 工人们清理(杂物)後就走了. *
clean up (a room) after a party 聚会後(把房间)打扫乾净.
(b) (infml) make or win (a lot of money) 挣得或赢得(很多钱):
He cleaned up a small fortune. 他发了一笔小财. clean sth up remove criminals, harmful influences, etc from sth 从某事物中清除罪犯、 有害影响等:
The mayor is determined to clean up the city. 市长决心清除市内的不良现象. *
a campaign to clean up (ie reduce the amount of sex and violence shown on) television 清除电视中不良现象的运动(减少播放色情和暴力的节目).





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