[/kəˈmɜːʃl; kəˋməʃəl/] adj 用法: 1 (a) of or for commerce 商业的; 贸易的: commercial law, activity, art 商业的法规、 活动、 技巧. (b) [usu attrib 通常作定语] of business practices and activities generally 商务的: doing a commercial course at the local college 在本地学院学商科. 用法: 2 (a) [attrib 作定语] from the point of view of profit 从营利角度出发的: The play was a commercial success, ie made money. 这出戏从营利角度看, 很成功(赚钱). (b) making or intended to make a profit 营利的; 以获利为目的的: commercial theatre, music, etc 以获利为目的的剧院、 音乐等 * Oil is present in commercial quantities, ie There is enough to make extraction profitable. 石油的储量有商业开采价值. * Her novels are well written and commercial as well. 她的小说写得好, 销路也广. 用法: 3 (of TV or radio) financed by broadcast advertisements (指电视或无线电广播)靠广告收入的, 商业性的: I work for a commercial radio station. 我在商业广播电台工作. commercial 2 n advertisement on TV or radio (电视或无线电中的)广告. |