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单词 company
释义 [/ˈkʌmpənɪ; ˋkʌmpənɪ/] n

1 [U] being together with another or others 陪伴; 与他人在一起:
I enjoy his company, ie I like being with him. 我喜欢和他在一起. *
be good, bad, etc company, ie be pleasant, unpleasant, etc to be with 令人愉快、 不快等的伙伴.

2 [U] group of people together; number of guests 一群人; 一伙; 客人; 来宾:
She told the assembled company what had happened. 她把发生的事告诉了聚会的人. *
We're expecting company (ie guests, visitors) next week. 我们下星期有客来访.

3 (often 常作 Company) [CGp] group of people united for business or commercial purposes 公司; 商行:
a manufacturing company 制造公司. Cf 参看 firm 2.

4 [CGp] group of people working together 同事; 同仁:
a company of players, ie a number of actors regularly performing together 演出团(常在一起演出的演员) *
a theatrical company 剧团 *
the ship's company, ie the crew 全体船员.

5 [CGp] subdivision of an infantry battalion, usu commanded by a captain or a major 连队(步兵的营以下的单位, 通常由上尉或少校指挥).

6 (idm 习语) the `company one keeps the type of people with whom one spends one's time 经常与之为伍的人; 伙伴:
(saying 谚) You may know a man by the company he keeps, ie judge his character by his friends. 观其友则知其人. for company as a companion 作伴; 一起:
I hate going out alone:
I take my daughter for company. 我不愿独自一人出门, 带女儿作个伴. get into/keep bad `company associate with undesirable people 与坏人交往. in company in the presence of others 当著别人的面:
It's bad manners to whisper in company. 当著别人窃窃私语是不礼貌的行为. in company with sb together with sb 和某人一起:
I, in company with many others, feel this decision was wrong. 我, 还有许多人, 都觉得这个决定是错误的. in good `company doing the same as other, better people do 与他人、 比自己强的人做得一样:
`I'm late again!' `Well, you're in good company. The boss isn't here yet.' `我又迟到了!'`没关系, 有跟你做伴儿的. 老板还没来呢.' keep sb company remain with sb so that he is not alone 陪伴某人; 给某人做伴:
I'll stay here andkeep you company. 我留下陪你. part company => part2.present company excepted => present1. two's company (, three's a crowd) (saying 谚) (used esp of people in love) it is better for two people to be alone with each other and without others present (尤指恋人)两人为伴(三人添乱). best. 他的工作可与最优秀的相比.





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