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单词 compress 1
释义 [/kəmˈpres; kəmˋprɛs/] v [Tn,] ~ sth (into sth) 1 press sth together; force sth into a small(er) space 压紧; 将某物压进(较)小的空间; 挤压; 压缩:
compressed air, ie at higher than atmospheric pressure 压缩空气 *
compressing straw into blocks for burning 将乾草压成块供燃烧. 2 express (ideas, etc) in a shorter form; condense 使(意见等)简短, 精简, 浓缩:
compress an argument into just a few sentences 将论点概括成几句话 *
The film compresses several years into half an hour. 这电影将几年的事压缩於半小时内. compress 2
[/ˈkɔmpres; ˋkɑmprɛs/] n pad or cloth pressed on to a part of the body to stop bleeding, reduce fever, etc (用以止血、 退烧等的)敷布, 压布:
a cold/hot compress 冷[热]敷布.




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