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单词 condition 1
释义 [/kənˈdɪʃn; kənˋdɪʃən/] n

1 [sing] particular state of existence 状态; 处境; 地位; 身分:
the human condition 人类的处境 *
the condition of slavery, ie being a slave 奴隶的身分.

2 [sing, U] (a) present state of a thing 现状; 状况; 情况:
be in good, poor, excellent, etc condition 处於好的、 坏的、 极佳的等状况 *
the rusty condition of the bicycle 自行车生锈的状况 *
The ship is not in a condition/is in no condition (ie is unfit) to make a long voyage. 此船的现状不适宜远航.
(b) physical fitness; health 健康状况; 健康:
He's in excellent condition for a man of his age. 他就其年龄而言, 身体极好. *
I've had no exercise for ages; I'm really out of condition, ie unfit. 我已多时没运动了, 现在健康状况欠佳. *
She's in no condition (ie is not well enough) to travel. 她的身体状况不宜旅行(不甚健康).

3 [C] (a) thing needed to make sth else possible; thing on which another thing depends 条件:
One of the conditions of the job is that you should be able to drive, ie In order to get the job you must be able to drive. 做这项工作的其中一个条件是要会开车. *
He was allowed to go out, but his parents made it a condition that he should get home before midnight. 他父母允许他出去, 但规定他要在午夜前回家. *
I'll let you borrow it on one condition:
(that) you lend me your bicycle in return. 我借给你也行, 但有个条件, 你得把你的自行车借给我.
(b) thing required as part of an agreement, a contract, etc; stipulation 条款; 规定; 约定; 条件:
the terms and conditions of the lease 契约的条款与条件.

4 conditions [pl] circumstances 环境; 情况:
under existing conditions 在现有的情况下 *
poor working conditions 恶劣的工作环境 *
firemen having to operate in very difficult conditions 须在极困难的情况下工作的消防队员.

5 [C] illness; ailment 疾病:
a heart, liver, brain, etc condition 心脏、 肝脏、 脑等的疾病 *
What is the treatment for this condition? 这种病用甚麽方法治疗?

6 [C] (dated 旧) position in society; rank 社会地位; 阶级; 等级:
people of every condition/of all conditions 社会各阶层人士.

7 (idm 习语) in mint condition => mint2. on condition (that)... only if; provided (that) 在...条件下; 倘若...:
You can go out on condition that you wear an overcoat. 你要穿上外衣才能出去. on no condition (fml 文) not at all 一点也不; 决不:
You must on no condition tell him what happened. 你决不能把发生的事情告诉他. condition 2
[/ˏkənˈdɪʃn; kənˋdɪʃən/] v

1 [Tn] have an important effect on (sb/sth); determine 对(某人[某事物])有重要影响; 决定:
Environment conditions an animal's development. 环境能影响动物的成长.

2 [Tn,, Cn.t] ~ sb/sth (to sth/to do sth) accustom sb/sth; train sb/sth 使某人[某事物]习惯; 训练某人[某事物]:
We have all been conditioned by our upbringing. 我们都习惯於所受的教养. *
It didn't take them long to become conditioned to the new environment. 他们不久就适应了新环境. *
Animals can be conditioned to expect food at certain times. 可以训练动物定时等待喂食.

3 [Tn] put (sth) into a proper or desired state for use 使(某事物)达到适当的或合要求的状况(以供使用):
leather conditioned by a special process 经特殊加工的皮革 *
a lotion that conditions the skin, ie keeps it healthy 护肤剂.





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