释义 |
[/kənˈdʒiːnɪəl; kənˋdʒinjəl/] adj 用法: 1 (of people) pleasing because of similarities in temperament, interests,etc (指人)(因性情、 志趣等相近)彼此合得来的, 意气相投的: a congenial companion 情投意合的伴侣. 用法: 2 ~ (to sb) agreeable or pleasant because suited to one's nature or tastes 适合於自己的天性或癖好的: a congenial climate, environment, hobby 适意的气候、 环境、 消遣 * I find this aspect of my job particularly congenial. 我觉得我的工作的这一方面特别适合於我. |