[/kənˈtempt; kənˋtɛmpt/] n [U] 用法: 1 (a) ~ (for sb/sth) feeling that sb/sth is completely worthless and cannot be respected 轻视; 蔑视: I feel nothing but contempt for people who treat children so cruelly. 我鄙视如此虐待孩子的人. * I shall treat that suggestion with the contempt it deserves. 我对那项建议理所当然嗤之以鼻. (b) (fml 文) state of being regarded as worthless and shameful 微不足道; 耻辱: behaviour which is generally held in contempt, ie despised 被人看不起的行为. 用法: 2 ~ of/for sth disregard (of rules, danger, etc) 藐视, 不顾(规则、 危险等): She rushed forward in complete contempt of danger. 她完全不顾危险往前冲去. * remarks which betray a staggering contempt for the truth, ie are completely untrue 全然不顾事情真相的言论. 用法: 3 (idm 习语) beneath con`tempt completely unworthy of respect 不齿: Such conduct is beneath contempt. 这种举动为人所不齿. familiarity breeds contempt => familiarity. |