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单词 contrary 1
释义 [/ˈkɔntrərɪ; US -trerɪ; ˋkɑntrɛrɪ/] adj [usu attrib 通常作定语] opposite in nature, tendency or direction (在性质、 倾向或方向等上)相反的, 相违的:
contrary beliefs 截然相反的信仰 *
traffic moving in contrary directions 来来往往的车辆 *
`Hot' and `cold' are contrary terms. `热'和`冷'是一对反义词. *
The ship was delayed by contrary winds, ie blowing against the direction of travel. 航船因遇逆风而延误了. contrary 2
[/ˈkɔntrərɪ; US -trerɪ; ˋkɑntrɛrɪ/] n

1 the contrary [sing] the opposite 反面; 对立面:
The contrary of `wet' is `dry'. `湿'的对立面是`乾'. *
I've never opposed it. The contrary is true:
I've always supported it. 我从未反对过它. 恰恰相反:

2 (idm 习语) by contraries in an opposite way to what is expected 与预期的相反:
Many events in our lives go by contraries. 我们的生活中有不少事与愿违的情况. on the `contrary the opposite is true; not at all 与此相反; 正相反:
It doesn't seem ugly to me; on the contrary, I think it's rather beautiful. 我觉得它并不丑, 恰恰相反, 它挺美. to the `contrary indicating or proving the opposite 与此相反(的):
I will come on Monday unless you write to the contrary, ie telling me not to come. 我将於星期一前来, 除非你写信叫我别来. *
I will continue to believe it until I get proof to the contrary, ie that it is not true. 我仍然相信这一点, 除非能证明它与此相反. contrary 3
[/kənˈtreərɪ; kənˋtrɛrɪ/] adj obstinately refusingto help or obey 好与人作对的; 执拗的:
He's an awkward, contrary child. 他是个又麻烦又不听话的孩子.





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