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单词 cook 1
释义 [/kuk; kʊk/] v

1 (a) [I, Ipr, Tn, Dn.n,] ~ sth (for sb) prepare (food) by heating, eg boiling, baking, roasting, frying 烹调(如煮、 焙、 烤、 炸); 做饭菜:
Where did you learn to cook? 你在哪里学的烹饪? *
These potatoes aren't (properly) cooked! 这些马铃薯还没熟(透)! *
a cooked breakfast 做好了的早餐 *
He cooked me my dinner. 他给我做了饭. *
I like to cook (Chinese dishes) for my family. 我喜欢给家里人做(中国菜)饭.(b) [I] be prepared in this way 煮, 焙, 烤, 炸; 烹调:
The vegetables are cooking. 蔬菜正在做著. *
The meat cooks slowly. 肉熟得慢. *
These apples cook well, ie taste good when cooked. 这种苹果宜於熟吃. =>Usage 见所附用法.

2 [Tn] (infml derog 口, 贬) alter (sth) secretly or dishonestly so as to deceive; falsify 窜改(某物); 捏造:
He was sent to prison for cooking the books, ie dishonestly changing the financial records, esp for personal profit. 他因窜改帐目而入狱. *
cook the accounts, statistics, figures 窜改账目、 统计资料、 数字.

3 [I] (used in the continuous tenses 用於进行时态) (infml) be planned; happen as a result of plotting 在筹划中; (经过策划而)发生:
What's cooking? 发生了什麽事? *
Everybody is being secretive:
there's something cooking. 每个人都鬼鬼祟祟, 一定出了什麽事情.

4 (idm 习语) ,cook the `books (infml) falsify facts or figures in order to make one's financial position seem better than it really is 伪造帐目; 做假帐. cook sb's `goose (infml) ensure that sb fails 使某人彻底失败:
When the police found his fingerprints he knew his goose was cooked, ie knew that he would be caught. 警方发现了他的指纹, 他意识到自己已经完了.

5 (phr v) cook sth up (infml) invent sth, esp in order to deceive 编造某事物(尤指行骗):
cook up an excuse, a story, a bizarre theory, etc 编造藉口、 故事、 怪论等. cook 2

1 person who cooks food 厨师; 厨子; 炊事员:
employed as a cook in a hotel 受雇为旅馆厨师 *
I'm not much of a cook, ie I don't cook well. 我做不好饭菜. *
Were you the cook? ie Did you cook this food? 是你做饭吗? Cf 参看 chef.

2 (idm 习语) ,too many ,cooks ,spoil the `broth (saying 谚) if too many people are involved in sth, it will not be done properly 厨子多了做坏了汤(人多反倒误事):
I know they only meant to help, but it was a case of too many `cooks, I'm afraid. 我知道他们一心想帮忙, 可惜人多反而坏了事. cook 3
When cooking we generally use

1 boiling water (in a saucepan) or

2 boiling fat/oil (in a frying-pan) or

3 dry heat (in an oven or under a grill). 使用cook一词时, 一般是指用(1)沸水(置於深锅中)或(2)热的动[植]物油(置於煎锅中)或(3)直接加热(置於烤炉中或烤架上).

1 We boil vegetables, eggs, rice, etc by covering them with water and heating it. 将蔬菜、 鸡蛋、 大米等浸於水中煮叫boil. *We steam fish, puddings, etc by placing the food above boiling water. 将鱼、 布丁等置於沸水上蒸叫steam. *2 Meat, fish, vegetables, etc can be fried in shallow oil or fat. 将肉、 鱼、 蔬菜等放在少许植物油或动物油里煎叫fry. *Chips, chicken pieces, etc can be completely covered by oil and deep-fried. 将土豆条、 鸡块等完全浸入油中炸叫deep-fry. *We saute vegetables very quickly in a small amount of oil. 用少量油将蔬菜很快一炒叫saute. *3 We roast large pieces of meat, potatoes, etc and we bake bread, cakes, etc in the oven. 在烤箱里烘烤大块的肉、 土豆等叫roast, 烘烤面包、 糕饼等叫bake. *Small or flat pieces of meat, fish, etc are grilled (US broiled) by being placed under direct heat. 将小块的或切成片的肉、 鱼等置於发热器下面烘烤叫grill(美式英语叫broil). *Boil, fry, roast and bake can be used in two types of sentence *boil、 fry、 roast、 bake可用於以下两种句型:
We boil potatoes and The potatoes are boiling. Steam, saute and grill are generally only used in the first pattern. *steam、 saute、 grill一般只用於以上第一种句型. With boil we often use the container to refer to its contents 用boil时常以容器借代其所盛之物:
The kettle's boiling. 锅开了.





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