[/ˈkɔpɪbuk; ˋkɑpɪˏbʊk/] n 用法: 1 exercise book containing models of handwriting for learners to imitate (有书写范例的)习字簿. 用法: 2 [attrib 作定语] perfect; textbook 十全十美的; 堪称典范的: It was a copy-book operation by the police; all the criminals were arrested and all the stolen property quickly recovered. 警方这一行动十分漂亮, 将罪犯一网打尽, 迅速起获所有赃物. 用法: 3 [attrib 作定语] (dated 旧) unoriginal; commonplace 陈腐的; 平淡无奇的: copy-book maxims, sentiments, etc 陈腐的格言、 观点等. 用法: 4 (idm 习语) blot one's copy-book => blot2. |