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单词 court 1
释义 [/kɔːt; kɔrt/] n

1 (a) [C, U] place where trials or other law cases are held 法庭; 法院:
a `court-room 法庭 *
a `magistrate's court 地方法院 *
a crown `court (英格兰及威尔士的)地方刑事法院 *
a court of assize, a court of quarter-sessions, ie courts in England and Wales before 1971 巡回法庭、 季审法院(1971年以前英格兰及威尔士的法院) *
a (military or naval) court of inquiry, ie one that deals with cases of indiscipline, etc (陆军或海军的)调查法庭(负责审理违纪等案件) *
The prisoner was brought to court for trial. 囚犯被提到法庭受审. *
She had to appear in court to give evidence. 她须出庭作证. *
[attrib 作定语] a court usher, reporter 法院传达员、 书记员 *
The case was settled out of court, ie was settled without the need for it to be tried in court. 此案已在庭外和解. *
an out-of-court settlement 庭外和解.
(b) the court [sing] people present in a court-room, esp those who administer justice 出庭人员; (尤指)审判人员:
The court rose (ie stood up) as the judge entered. 法官出庭时全体到庭人员起立. *
Please tell the court all you know. 请把你所知道的一切告诉本庭审判人员. Cf 参看 lawcourt (law).

2 (often 常作 Court) (a) [C, U] official residence of a sovereign 宫廷; 朝廷:
the Court of St James, ie the court of the British sovereign 英国宫廷 *
She had been received at all the courts of Europe. 她曾获欧洲各君主召见. *
be presented at court, ie make one's first official appearance at the sovereign's court 初次觐见君主 *
[attrib 作定语] the court jester 宫廷中的小丑.
(b) the court [sing] (institution consisting of the) sovereign and all his or her advisers, officials, family, etc 宫廷; 朝廷:
The court moves to the country in the summer. 夏天王室上下都移居到乡下去.

3 [C] (sport 体) indoor or outdoor space marked out for tennis or similar ball games (网球等的室内或室外)球场:
a `tennis/`squash court 网球[壁球]场 *
Do you prefer grass or hard courts? 你喜欢草地球场还是硬地球场? *
Players must behave well on court. 比赛者应该遵守场上规则. =>illus at tennis 见tennis之插图.

4 (also `courtyard) [C] unroofed space partially or completely enclosed by walls or buildings, eg in a castle or an old inn; the buildings around such a space 庭院, 院子, 天井(如城堡或古时客栈中的); 庭院周围的建筑物.

5 (idm 习语) the ball is in sb's/one's court => ball1. go to court (over sth) apply to have a case heard and decided by a court of law 起诉; 打官司. hold `court entertain visitors, admirers, etc 接待来访者、 敬慕者等:
The film star held court in the hotel lobby. 这位电影明星在旅馆的大厅里接见了影迷. laugh sb/sth out of court => laugh. pay court to sb => pay2. put sth out of `court make sth not worthy of consideration 使某事物不被重视:
The sheer cost of the scheme puts it right out of court. 这一方案所需费用庞大, 不值得考虑. take sb to `court make a charge against sb, to be settled in court; prosecute sb 起诉某人; 控告某人:
I took her to court for repayment of the debt. 我为索取债务而起诉她. court 2
[/kɔːt; kɔrt/] v

1 (a) [Tn] (dated 旧) (of a man) try to win the affections of (a woman), with a view to marriage (指男子)向(女子)献殷勤; 向(女子)求爱或求婚:
He had been courting Jane for six months. 他追求简已有六个月之久.
(b) [I] (esp dated 尤作旧) spend time together, with a view to marriage 谈情说爱; 谈恋爱:
The two have been courting for a year. 两人恋爱已有一年之久. *
There were several courting couples in the park. 公园里有几对谈情说爱的男女.

2 [Tn] (a) try to gain the favour of (a rich or influential person) 讨好(有钱或有势的人):
He has been courting the director, hoping to get the leading role in the play. 他一直在讨好导演, 想在剧中扮演主角.
(b) (often derog 常作贬义) try to win or obtain (sth) 设法赢得或获得(某事物):
court sb's approval, support, favour, etc 取悦於某人以获其同意、 支持、 好感等 *
court applause 博取掌声.

3 [Tn no passive 不用於被动语态] do sth that might lead to (sth unpleasant); risk 招致; 招惹; 导致; 冒...之险:
court failure, defeat, death, etc 导致挫折、 失败、 死亡等 *
To go on such an expedition without enough supplies would be to court disaster. 没有足够的补给就进行这种远征是会闯祸的.





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