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单词 crown 1
释义 [/kraun; kraʊn/] n

1 (a) [C] ornamental head-dress made of gold, jewels, etc worn by a king or queen on official occasions 王冠; 皇冠.
(b) (the Crown or the crown) [sing] the State as represented by a king or queen as its head 王国:
land owned by the Crown 王国的土地 *
a minister of the Crown 王国的大臣 *
Who appears for the Crown (ie Who is prosecuting the accused person on behalf of the State) in this case? 谁在该案中代表王国政府出庭? *
[attrib 作定语] Crown land, property, etc 王国政府的土地、 财产等 *
a crown witness, ie for the prosecution in a criminal case 刑事案件中提起公诉一方的证人.
(C) the crown [sing] the office or power of a king or queen 王位; 王权:
She refused the crown, ie refused to become queen. 她拒不接受王位. *
relinquish the crown, ie abdicate 放弃王位.

2 [C] circle or wreath of flowers, leaves, etc worn on the head, esp as a sign of victory, or as a reward 花冠(用花、 叶等做的环状物, 戴在头上, 尤指象徵胜利或作为奖赏者):
Christ's crown of thorns 基督的荆冠 *
(fig 比喻) two boxers fighting it out for the world heavyweight crown, ie championship 争夺世界重量级冠军宝座的两名拳击手.

3 (usu 通常作 the crown) [sing] (a) top of the head or of a hat 头顶; 帽顶.
(b) top part of anything 物之顶部:
the crown of a hill, tree 山顶; 树颠 *
the crown (ie the highest part of the curved surface) of a road 弯曲路面的最高部分 *
A motor cycle overtook us on the crown (ie the middle or most curved part) of the bend. 有一辆摩托车在拐弯处超过了我们.

4 [C] (a) part of the tooth that is visible outside the gum 齿冠.
(b) artificial replacement for this 假齿冠.

5 [C] crown- shaped emblem or ornament, eg a crest or badge 王冠或花冠状的标记或饰物(如纹章或徽章):
A major has a crown on the shoulder of his uniform. 一名少校在制服的肩部有个王冠形的纹章.

6 [C] former British coin worth 5 shillings (25p) 5先令(25便士)的英国旧币. crown 2
[/kraun; kraʊn/] v

1 [Tn, Cn.n] put a crown on the head of (a new king or queen) as a sign of royal power 为(新立为王者)加冕:
She was crowned (queen) in 1952. 她於1952年继(王)位. *
the crowned heads (ie kings and queens) of Europe 欧洲各国的君主.

2 [Tn, usu passive 通常用於被动语态] ~ sth (with sth) (a) (rhet 修辞) form or cover the top of sth 形成或覆盖某物之顶部:
The hill is crowned with a wood. 山顶上长满了树. *
Beautiful fair hair crowns her head. 她长著一头浅色的秀发.
(b) complete or conclude sth in a worthy or perfect way 圆满完成或结束某事物:
The award of this prize crowned his career. 他荣获此奖, 这是他事业的顶峰. *
efforts that were finally crowned with success 最终必将成功之努力.

3 [Tn] (infml) hit (sb) on the head 打击(某人)头部:
Shut up or I'll crown you. 住口, 要不我就砸烂你的脑袋.

4 [Tn] (also cap) put an artificial top on (a tooth) 为(牙齿)镶上假齿冠. Cf 参看 crown1 4.

5 (idm 习语) to crown it `all as the final event in a series of fortunate or unfortunate events 更使人高兴的是; 更糟的是:
It was cold, raining, and, to crown it all, we had to walk home. 天气寒冷, 又下著雨, 而最倒霉的是, 我们得走著回家.





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