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单词 data 1
释义 [/ˈdeɪtə, also ˈdɑːtə; US ˈdætə; ˋdætə/] n (a) [U or pl] facts or information used in deciding or discussing sth 资料:
Very little data is available. 现有的资料十分不足. *
The data is/are still being analysed. 资料仍在分析中.
(b) [usu sing v 通常与单数动词连用] (computing 计) information prepared for or stored by a computer 数据:
[attrib 作定语] data analysis, capture, retrieval 数据分析、 捕捉、 检索 *
data protection, ie legal restrictions on access to data stored in a computer 数据保护. data 2
There are a lot of nouns in English of Latin or Greek origin. 英语名词中有很多来自拉丁语或希腊语. They often end in -us, -a, -um, -on, etc. 这些词多以-us、 -a、 -um、 -on等结尾. The plural forms of these nouns can cause difficulty. 这些名词的复数形式可能会造成困难.

1 Some, especially scientific terms, have kept their original singular and plural forms 有些词, 特别是科学术语, 仍保留著原来的单复数形式:
bacillus, bacilli *
larva, larvae *
criterion, criteria.

2 Many, especially those in general use, now only have a regular English plural form 其中很多词, 特别是常用词, 现在只有合乎英语规则的复数形式:
arena, arenas *
circus, circuses *
electron, electrons.

3 Some have alternative plural forms, which are both acceptable. 有些词, 有两种复数形式, 均可使用. The Latin form is more formal 拉丁语式的复数形式较庄重:
focus, focuses/foci *
formula, formulas/formulae *
spectrum, spectrums/spectra.

4 There is uncertainty with some nouns as to whether they are singular or plural 有些名词到底是单数还是复数, 难以确定:
This data is correct and These data are correct are both acceptable. 数据正确(英文句中用is或are均可). Paraphernalia (a Greek plural) is used as a singular noun *paraphernalia(希腊语复数)一字用作单数名词:
All my fishing paraphernalia is in the car. 我的鱼具都在汽车里. Media (sing medium) is sometimes incorrectly used as a singular noun *media(单数为medium)一字有时误用作单数名词:
The media are (NOT is) often accused of being biased. 传播媒介常遭指责, 认为有偏见(英文句中不可用is).





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