[/ˏdiːvɪˈeɪʃn; ˏdivɪˋeʃən/] n ~ (from sth) 用法: 1 (a) [U] not following the normal or expected course, plan, etc; deviating 偏离正常的或原定的路线、 计划等; 偏向; 偏差: There was little deviation from his usual routine. 他没有什麽反常的举动. * sexual deviation 性变态行为. (b) [C] instance of this 偏差; 逸出常轨: a deviation from the rules 违背规则. 用法: 2 [U] (politics 政) moving away from the beliefs held by the group to which one belongs 背离自己所属集团的信条; 背盟: Party ideologists accused her of deviation. 党内理论家谴责她背离了党的信条. 用法: 3 [C] difference between a numerical value and a norm or average 偏差; 离差: a compass deviation of 5, ie from true north 罗盘自差5度(相对於正北而言). |