[/ˈdaɪəmənd; ˋdaɪəmənd/] n 用法: 1 (a) [U, C] transparent precious stone of pure carbon in crystallized form, the hardest substance known 金刚石; 金刚钻; 钻石: a ring with a diamond in it 钻石戒指 * [attrib 作定语] a diamond ring, necklace, etc 钻石戒指、 项链等. (b) [C] piece of this (often artificially made) used in industry, esp for cutting glass or as a stylus for playing records (常为人造的)工业用金刚石; (尤指)金刚石玻璃刀, 宝石唱针. 用法: 2 [C] figure with four equal sides and with angles that are not right angles 菱形. 用法: 3 (a) diamonds [sing or pl v] suit of playing-cards marked with red diamond shapes 红方块花色的纸牌: the five of diamonds 方块五 * Diamonds is/are trumps. 方块为王牌. (b) [C] playing-card of this suit 方块牌: play a diamond 出一张方块. =>illus at playing-card 见playing-card之插图. 用法: 4 [C] (in baseball) space inside the lines connecting the bases (棒球)内野(四垒连线内的场地). 用法: 5 (idm 习语) a rough diamond => rough1. |