[/dɪˈstɪl; dɪˋstɪl/] v (-ll-) 用法: 1 [Tn, Tn.pr] ~ sth (from sth) (a) turn (a liquid) to vapour by heating, then collect the drops of liquid that condense from the vapour when cooled 蒸馏: distil fresh water from sea-water 用蒸馏法从海水中制取淡水. (b) make (spirits or essences) in this way 用蒸馏法制(酒或香精): The Scots have distilled whisky for centuries. 苏格兰人用蒸馏法制威士忌酒已有数百年历史. 用法: 2 [Tn, Tn.pr] ~ sth (from sth) draw or derive sth (from sth) 吸取或提取某事物: useful advice distilled from a lifetime's experience 从一生的经历中得出的有益的教训. 用法: 3 (phr v) distil sth off/out purify (a liquid) by turning it to vapour, etc 用蒸馏法对(液体)提纯: Sea-water can be made drinkable by distilling out the salt. 可以用蒸馏法除去海水中的盐分以制取饮用水. |