[/dɪˈvɪʒn; dəˋvɪʒən/] n 用法: 1 [U] (a) dividing or being divided 分; 分割; 划分: the division of wealth 财产的分配. (b) dividing one number by another 除; 除法: Are you any good at division? 你的除法好吗? 用法: 2 [sing] (often preceded by an adj 常用於形容词之後) result of dividing 分的结果: a fair/unfair division of money 金钱的公平[不公平]分配. 用法: 3 [C] (a) any of the parts into which sth is divided 分出来的一部分. (b) (abbr 缩写 Div) major unit or section of an organization (组织或机构的)单位, 部门(如处、 科、 组、 军队的师等): the `sales division of our company 本公司的销售部 * Our team plays in the first di`vision (of the football league). 本队在(足球联赛)甲组参赛. * the `parachute division 空降师. 用法: 4 [C] dividing line 分界线: A hedge forms the division between her land and mine. 有一道树篱在她的土地和我的土地之间形成了分界线. 用法: 5 [C, U] (instance of) disagreement or difference in thought, way of life, etc (思想、 生活方式等的)歧异, 差别, 分化现象: the deep/widening divisions in society today 当今社会中巨大的[日益加大的]差距. 用法: 6 [C] (esp Brit) (in Parliament) act of voting (议会中的)分组表决: The Bill was read without a division. 该法案未经分组表决即进行宣读. * The opposition threatened to force a division on the motion. 反对派威胁要强行将该动议分组表决. |