[/dɔk; dɑk/] n 用法: 1 [C] part of a port, etc where ships go for loading, unloading or repair, esp one fitted with gates to control the water level 码头; 船埠; (尤指)船坞: go into/be in dock 进入[在]船坞 * [attrib 作定语] dock workers 码头工人. 用法: 2 docks [pl] grouping of docks with the wharves, sheds, etc round them (设有码头、 货棚等的)港区: work at the docks 在港区工作. 用法: 3 [C] (esp US) ship's berth; wharf 泊位; 码头. dock 2 [/dɔk; dɑk/] v 用法: 1 (a) [I] (of a ship) come into dock (指船)进港, 进入船坞. (b) [Tn] bring (a ship) into dock 领(船)入港. 用法: 2 (a) [I] (of spacecraft) join together (指宇宙飞船)对接: docking manoeuvres/procedures 对接操作[过程]. (b) [Tn] join (two or more spacecraft) together in space 使(宇宙飞船)在宇宙空间对接. dock 3 [/dɔk; dɑk/] n 用法: 1 part of a criminal court where the accused sits during his trial (刑事法庭的)被告席: The judge looked over to the prisoner in the dock. 法官打量了被告席上的犯人. 用法: 2 (idm 习语) put sb/be in the dock accuse sb/be accused of doing sth wrong 指控某人[受到指控]: This recent tragedy has put the manufacturersof the drug squarely in the dock. 新近发生的这一悲惨事件使药品厂商受到指控. dock 4 [/dɔk; dɑk/] v 用法: 1 [Tn] cut short (an animal's tail) 剪短(动物的尾巴). 用法: 2 [Tn, Tn.pr, Dn.n] ~ sth (from/off sth) take away (part of sb's wages, rations, etc) 扣除(某人的部分工资、 配给品等): They've docked my salary. 他们扣掉了我的一部分工资. * dock 15% from/off sb's earnings 从某人的收入中扣除15% * They've docked me 20. 他们扣了我20英镑. dock 5 [/dɔk; dɑk/] n [U, C] common weed with large leaves 酸模(一种阔叶野草). |