[/ˈdɔmɪnənt; ˋdɑmənənt/] adj 用法: 1 ~ (in sth) most important or prominent; dominating 最重要的; 最突出的; 占支配地位的: She's the dominant child in the group. 她是这一群孩子中的孩子头. * the dominant flavour in a dish 一份菜肴的主要香味 * The castle stands in a dominant position above the town. 古堡耸立在市镇中一个高处. 用法: 2 (biology 生) (of an inherited characteristic) appearing in offspring even when a genetically opposing characteristic is also inherited (指遗传特徵)显性的, 优势的. Cf 参看 recessive. dominant 2 [/ˈdɔmɪnənt; ˋdɑmənənt/] n 用法: 1 (music 音) fifth note of a scale; chord or key based on this 音阶的第五音; 属音和弦; 属音. 用法: 2 (biology 生) dominant gene 显性基因. |