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单词 draw 1
释义 [/drɔː; drɔ/] n

1 (a) (usu sing 通常作单数) ~ (for sth) act of picking at random tickets in a lottery, matches in a tournament, etc 抽奖; 抽签; 抓斗龟儿:
The draw for the raffle takes place on Saturday. 抽彩仪式星期六举行. *
the draw for the second round of the European Cup 为欧洲杯足球赛第二轮抽签.
(b) lottery in which the winner is chosen this way 奖券; 彩票. Cf 参看 raffle.

2 result of a game in which neither player or side wins 平局; 不分胜负:
The match ended in a draw 2-2. 比赛以2比2打成平局结束.

3 (usu sing 通常作单数) person or thing that attracts people 有吸引力的人或事物:
A live band is always a good draw at a party. 现场演奏的乐队在聚会上总是很吸引人的.

4 act of drawing at a cigarette, pipe, etc 吸烟; 抽烟斗.

5 (idm 习语) the luck of the draw => luck. (be) quick/slow on the `draw (a) quick/slow at pulling out one's gun, etc 掏出枪等敏捷[迟缓].
(b) (infml) quick/slow to understand 领悟敏捷[迟钝]:
He's a nice lad, but a bit slow on the draw. 他是个挺不错的小伙子, 就是头脑欠灵活. draw 2
[/drɔː; drɔ/] v (pt drew[/druː; dru/], pp drawn/drR:n; drRn/)

1 [I, Tn] make (pictures or a picture of sth) with a pencil, etc 用铅笔等画(画):
You draw beautifully. 你画得很好看. *
She drew a house. 她画了一所房子. *
draw a diagram, plan, flow chart, etc 画一示意图、 平面图、 流程图等 *
(fig 比喻) The report drew a grim picture of inefficiency and corruption. 该报告描绘出一幅缺乏效率和贪污腐化的可怕情景.

2 [Ipr, Ip] move in the specified direction 向某方向移动:
The train drew in/into the station. 火车进站. *
The car drew slowly away from the kerb. 汽车慢慢驶离路边. *
One horse drew further and further ahead. 有一匹马在前面, 把後面的落得越来越远了. *
A pilot boat drew alongside, ie next to a ship. 一条领港船驶近船边. *
(fig 比喻) Christmas is drawing near. 圣诞节日渐临近. *
His life was drawing peacefully to its close. 他的生命正平静地走向结束. 3(a) [, Tn.p] pull or guide (sb/sth) into a new position 拉, 拖, 引导(某人[某物])到一新位置:
She drew a cover over the typewriter. 她拿过罩子将打字机套上. *
I drew my chair up (to the table). 我把椅子拉近(桌子). *
She drew me onto the balcony. 她把我拉到阳台. *
I tried to draw him aside, ie where I could talk to him privately. 我想把他拉到一边(以便私下和他谈谈).
(b) [Tn,, Tn.p] (of horses, etc) pull or drag (eg a carriage, a plough) (指马匹等)拉, 拖(如车、  等):
The Queen's coach was drawn by six horses. 女王的御辇是由六匹马拉的. =>Usage at pull2 用法见pull2.
(C) [Tn] open or close (curtains, etc) 拉开, 拉上(帘、 幕等).

4 (a) [, Tn.p] ~ sth out of/from sth; ~ sth out pull sth smoothly out of its present position 抽出、 拔出或拉出某物:
draw a file from a drawer 从抽屉里取出一份卷宗 *
I drew the record out of its sleeve. 我从唱片套中抽出唱片. *
Can you draw the cork out? 你能把瓶塞拔出来吗?
(b) [Tn,] ~ sth (from sth) take out (a gun, knife, etc) from its holder, esp in order to attack sb (从枪套、 刀鞘等中)拔出(尤指旨在攻击):
She drew a revolver on me. 她拔出手枪对准我. *
He came towards me with a drawn sword. 他利剑出鞘, 冲我而来.

5 [Tn,] ~ sth (from sth) gain or derive sth from study, experience, etc (used esp with the ns shown) 获取, 汲取(知识、 经验等)(尤与下列名词连用):
What conclusions did you draw (from your study)? 你(从研究中)得出什麽结论? *
draw a moral from a story 从故事中汲取教训 *
We can draw some lessons for the future (from this accident). (从这起事故中)我们可以为今後汲取教训.

6 [Tn,] ~ sb (about/on sth) make sb say more (about sth) 使某人说出(某事):
She wouldn't be drawn about her private life. 关於她的私生活你就别想让她吐露半点. *
I wanted to hear about possible changes, but I couldn't draw them (on that). 我很想听听可能会发生什麽变动, 但是(关於这一点)不管怎麽打听, 他们就是不说.

7 (a) [, Tn.p] make (eg a liquid or gas) go in a particular direction by pumping, sucking, etc 将(如液体或气体)抽到, 吸往, 压至:
The engine draws water along the pipe. 发动机将水沿管道抽来. *
The diaphragm draws air into the lungs. 横膈膜向下运动让空气进入肺部.
(b) [I] (of a chimney or fireplace) allow enough air to pass through a fire to make it burn properly (指烟囱或壁炉)通风(使火旺):
The flue should draw better once it's been swept. 烟道一经清扫, 通风情况应好些.
(C) [Ipr] ~ at/on sth breathe in smoke from (a cigarette, etc) 吸, 抽(香烟等):
He drew thoughtfully on his pipe. 他抽著烟斗, 若有所思.

8 (a) [Tn,, Tn.p] ~ sth (from sth) take sth from a larger supply 从某物中抽取或汲取:
draw water (from a well) (从井中)汲水 *
He drew off a pint of beer from the barrel. 他从酒桶里抽出一品脱啤酒.
(b) [] ~ sth from sb/sth obtain (sth one needs) from sb/sth 从某人[某物]取得(所需之物):
draw support, comfort, strength, etc from one's family 从家庭获得支持、 安慰、 力量等 *
She drew inspiration from her childhood experiences. 她从童年的经历中吸取了灵感. *
We draw our readers from all classes of society. 我们吸引了来自社会各阶层的读者.
(C) [Tn,] ~ sth (from sth) take (money) from a bank account (从银行中)取, 提(款):
Can I draw 50 from my account? 我可以从我的帐户上提取50英镑吗?
(d) [Tn] receive (wages, etc) 收取, 领取(工资等):
It's good to be drawing a monthly salary again. 现在可真好, 又可以领月薪了.

9 [Tn,] (a) ~ sb (to sth) attract or interest sb 吸引某人; 使某人感兴趣:
The film is drawing large audiences. 这部影片很卖座. *
Her screams drew passers-by to the scene. 她的叫喊声把过路人都吸引到现场. *
I felt drawn to this mysterious stranger. 这个神秘的陌生人引起我的注意. *
What drew you to (ie made you study) medicine? 是什麽原因使你学医的? *
The course draws students from all over the country. 这一课程吸引著全国各地的学生.
(b) ~ sth (from sb) produce (a reaction or response) 产生(反应或回应):
draw tears, applause, laughter, etc 使人落泪、 博得掌声、 引人捧腹 *
The idea has drawn much criticism from both sides. 那主意招致双方的大量批评. *
The competition has drawn a large postbag. 这场竞赛吸引人们寄来大量信件.

10 [Tn,] (finance 财) write out (a cheque, etc) 开出, 签发(支票等):
The bill was drawn on an American bank. 所开票据是经由一家美国银行支付的.

11 [Ipr, Tn,] ~ for sth; ~ sth (from sth) get or take sth by chance 抽签; 抓斗龟:
Before playing cards we drew for partners, ie decided who would partner whom by drawing cards. 我们玩牌前用抓牌方式决定游戏伙伴. *
draw the winner/the winning ticket (in a raffle, etc) (在抽彩等活动中)抽签决定中奖者 *
draw cards from a pack ?i从一叠牌中抽牌 *
draw lots, names from a hat, etc 抽签、 从帽子里抓名字斗龟等 *
Italy have been drawn to play Spain in the World Cup. 在世界杯足球赛中意大利队抓到斗龟儿定与西班牙队比赛.

12 [I, Tn] finish (a game, etc) without either side winning (比赛等)打成平局, 不分胜负:
The two teams drew. 两队打平. *
draw three-all/for first place 结局三平[都得第一] *
The match was drawn. 比赛不分胜负.

13 [I] (of tea) infuse; brew (指茶)沏, 泡:
Let the tea draw (for three minutes). 让茶叶泡开(到三分钟).

14 [Tn] (nautical 海) (of a ship) require (a certain depth of water) in which to float (船)吃水:
a ship drawing 20 feet 吃水20英尺的船.

15 [Tn] (dated 旧) pull out (a tooth) 拔(牙).

16 [Tn] remove the inner organs of (a chicken, etc) 除去, 取出(鸡等的)内脏.

17[Tn] pull back the string of (a bow) before firing an arrow 拉, 开(弓).

18[Tn] mould a thin string of (metal, plastic, etc) by passing it through a small hole 将(金属、 塑料等)拉成或拔成细丝.

19(idm 习语) at daggers drawn => dagger. cast/draw lots => lot3. bring sth/come/draw to a close =>close5. draw an a`nalogy, a com`parison, a `parallel, etc between sth and sth show how one thing is like or contrasts with another 作类比; 作对照. draw (sb's) attention to sth point sth out (to sb) 令(某人)注意某事物:
She drew my attention to an error in the report. 她要我注意报告中的一处错误. *
I'm embarrassed about my mistake; please don't draw attention to it, eg by mentioning it to others. 我出了这种错误很不好意思, 请不要和别人提起. draw a `bead (on sb/sth) (infml) aim carefully at sb/sth with a gun, etc 用枪等瞄准(某人[某物]). draw a `blank get no response or result 无回音; 无结果; 落空:
I tried looking him up in the directory but I drew a blank, ie his name was not there. 我在电话簿上找他的名字, 但未找到. draw `blood (a) cause sb to bleed 使某人流血.
(b) (fig 比喻) hurt sb's feelings 伤某人感情:
His wounding remarks clearly drew blood. 他那尖酸刻薄的话显然很伤人. draw `breath (a) pause to breathe deeply after an effort 喘; 歇口气.
(b) live 活著:
as kind a man as ever drew breath 世上一大好人 *
You won't want for a friend as long as I draw breath. 只要我活著, 就永远是你的朋友. draw a distinction between sth and sth show how two things differ 指出两事物间的不同; 将两事物加以区分. draw sb's `fire make sb direct his anger, criticism, etc at oneself, so that others do not have to face it 吸引对方火力; 为别人打掩护. draw one's first/last `breath be born/die 出生[死亡]. draw in one's `horns become defensive or cautious, esp about one's finances 采取守势; 谨慎; (尤指)减缩开支:
You'll have to draw your horns in, ie spend less money. 你得紧缩开支了. draw the line at sth/doing sth refuse to do or to tolerate sth 拒绝做某事物; 拒不容忍某事物:
I don't mind helping, but I draw the line at doing everything myself. 我可以帮忙, 不过什麽事都让我干, 那就不行了. *
A line has to be drawn somewhere I can't go on lending you money. 事情总得有个分寸--我不能继续借给你钱了. draw `stumps (in cricket) mark the end of play (by removing the stumps) (板球戏中)结束比赛(撤走三柱门门柱). draw sb's/sth's `teeth/`fangs make sb/sth harmless 使某人[某事物]不能为害; 使无能为力:
Critics fear the bill will have its teeth drawn before it becomes law. 评论家担心法案获通过时已锋芒尽失. draw `trumps (in various card-games) play the trump suit until one's opponents have none left (在各种牌戏中)吊王牌. draw oneself up to one's full `height stand as tall and straight as possible (esp as a sign of determination) 把身体挺得笔直(尤指表示下决心):
`Never!' she replied, drawing herself up to her full height. `绝不!'她昂首挺胸站著, 十分坚决地回答. draw a veil over sth tactfully not say anything about sth 避而不谈某事:
I propose to draw a veil over the appalling events that followed. 我建议不要谈及後来发生的那些骇人听闻的事.

20(phr v) draw back (from sth/doing sth) not take action, esp because one feels unsure or nervous 撤回, 取消(尤因无把握或不安):
draw back from a declaration of/from declaring war 取消宣战决定. draw in (of the hours of daylight) get shorter before winter (指白天的时间)渐短:
The days are drawing in. 白天越来越短了. draw sb into sth/doing sth; draw sb in make sb take part in sth, esp against his will 使某人参加某事物(尤指勉强他人):
I found myself being drawn into another dreary argument. 我发现竟然身不由己又参与了一次无聊的争论. *
We organize various social activities, but not all the members want to be drawn in. 我们组织了各式各样的社 交活动, 但并非所有会员都愿意参加. draw on (of a time or season) approach (指时间或季节)临近, 接近:
Night was drawing on. 夜渐深. draw on/upon sth use sth 使用; 利用; 运用:
We drew on her experience throughout the project. 我们这一项目自始至终都借重她的经验. *
I shall have to draw on my savings. 我只好动用我的储蓄. draw sb on attract or entice sb 吸引或引诱某人:
They drew investors on with visions of instant wealth. 他们吸引了大批投资者, 使他们以为可以立刻发财致富. draw out (of the hours of daylight) become longer in spring (指白天的时间)渐长. draw sb out (about sth) encourage sb to talk, etc 鼓励某人说话等:
He's very shy and needs to be drawn out. 他很 腆, 需要鼓励才肯说话. *
I drew the old man out about his war experiences. 我设法让那老人讲述了他的战争经历. draw sth out make (an event, etc) longer than usual 将(事情等)拖长:
She drew the interview out to over an hour. 她把会见拖长, 超过了一小时. *
a long-drawn-out discussion 拖得很久的讨论. draw up (of a vehicle) come to a stop (指车辆等)停下来:
The taxi drew up outside the house. 计程车停在房子外面. draw sb up (usu passive 通常用於被动语态) arrange (esp troops) in a special order 使(尤指部队)排好队形:
troops drawn up in ranks 整好队形的部队. draw sth up write out (eg a contract, a list) 草拟或写出(如合同, 名单).





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