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单词 early
释义 [/ˈɜːlɪ; ˋəlɪ/] (-ier, -iest) adj, adv

1 near to the beginning of a period of time 早; 初; 初期:
the early morning 清早 *
in early spring 早春 *
in his early twenties, ie aged between 20 and 23 or 24 (他)二十岁出头 *
early works (of a composer, poet, writer, etc), ie those written at the beginning of a career (作曲家、 诗人、 作家等的)早期作品 *
Two players were injured early in the season. 有两名选手在该季开始不久就受了伤. Cf 参看 late1 2, late2 2.

2 before the usual or expected time 提前; 提早:
early peaches, ie peaches that ripen early in the season 早熟的桃子 *
an early breakfast, eg at 5 am 很早的早餐(如於早晨5时者) *
I got up early today. 我今天起得很早. *
The bus arrived five minutes early. 公共汽车早到了五分钟. Cf 参看 late1 1, late2 1.

3 (idm 习语) at your earliest con`venience (fml esp commerce 文, 尤用於商业) as soon as possible 尽早:
Please deliver the goods at your earliest convenience. 请尽早送货. bright and `early => bright. an `early bird (joc 谑) person who arrives, gets up, etc early 早到、 早起等的人:
You're an early bird this morning! 你今天起得真早啊! the ,early bird catches the `worm (saying 谚) the person who arrives, gets up, etc first will be successful 早起的鸟才能捉到虫; 捷足先登. early `days (yet) (esp Brit) too soon to be sure how a situation, etc will develop 过早; 尚早:
I'm not sure if our book will be a success it's early days yet. 我们这本书是否受欢迎, 我没有把握--现在言之过早. the early `hours very early in the morning, ie not long after midnight 深夜:
They were dancing till the early hours. 他们跳舞跳到深夜. an early/a late night => night. early `on soon after the start of a past event 在初期; 开始後不久:
I knew early on (in the film) that I wasn't going to enjoy it. 电影一开演我就知道不会喜欢这部电影. an early/late riser => riser (rise1). ,early to `bed and ,early to `rise (makes a man healthy, wealthy and wise) (saying 谚) living sensibly and without excesses (will bring a person good health, money and wisdom) 睡得早, 起得早, (富足、 聪明、 身体好). keep early `hours rise early or go to bed early 早起; 早睡.





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