[/ˈefət; ˋɛfɚt/] n 用法: 1 [U] use of (much) strength and energy (to do sth) (做某事物使用的)力量和精力: a waste of time and effort 时间和精力的浪费 * They lifted the heavy rock without effort. 他们没费劲就把那块沉重的石头抬起来了. * He must put more effort into his work. 他必须更加努力工作. 用法: 2 [C] ~ (to do sth) energetic attempt; struggle 努力; 奋斗: His efforts were much appreciated. 大家都夸他很努力. * It was a real effort to stay awake through the film. 真要强打著精神才能看完整部电影. * I will make every effort (ie do all I can) to arrive on time. 我将尽一切努力准时到达. 用法: 3 [C] result of an attempt 努力的结果: That's a good effort, ie That has been well done. 这事干得不错. |