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单词 empty 1
释义 [/ˈemptɪ; ˋɛmptɪ/] adj

1 (a) having nothing inside 空的:
an empty box 空盒子 *
an empty lorry, ie one without a load 空卡车 *
Your glass is empty. 你的杯子空了.
(b) with nobody in it 空无一人的:
an empty house, room, chair, bus 空著的房子、 房间、 椅子、 公共汽车 *
empty streets 空无一人的街道 *
The cinema was half empty. 电影院空著一半.

(a) [pred 作表语] ~ of sth without or lacking in (a quality) 没有或缺乏(某种性质):
(fml 文) words empty of meaning 无意义的话.
(b) without sense or purpose 没有感知的; 没有意义的; 没有目的的:
empty threats, words, promises, dreams 虚张声势的恐吓、 空话、 空洞的许诺、 虚幻的梦想 *
My life feels empty now the children have left home. 因为孩子们已离开了家, 我感到生活很空虚.

3 (infml) hungry 饥饿的:
I feel jolly empty! 我饿极了!

4 (idm 习语) on an empty `stomach having eaten nothing 空腹:
It's not good to drink on an empty stomach. 空著肚子喝酒不好. empty 2
Empty and full have wide uses. *empty和full的使用范围很广. Any container or building can be full (of things or people) or empty 任何容器或建筑物都可为full(有物或人)或empty:
The theatre was almost empty last night. 剧院昨晚几乎是空的. *
This bottle was full yesterday and now it's empty. 这个瓶子昨天是满的, 现在已经空了. Vacant and occupied relate to the long-term use of a building, etc *vacant和occupied指对建筑物等的长期使用:
There are some vacant offices on the third floor. 四楼有几间空著的办公室. *
All the flats are occupied now. 所有的单元现在都已住满. They can also refer to the short-term use of a room, etc. 这两个词也可指短期使用房间等:
The lavatory is vacant. 厕所现在无人使用. *
All the seats are occupied. 所有的座位都坐满了. empty 3
[/ˈemptɪ; ˋɛmptɪ/] v (pt, pp emptied)

1 (a) [Tn,, Tn.p] ~ sth (out) (onto/into sth); ~ sth (of sth) make sth empty 将某物弄空:
empty one's glass into the sink 把杯里的东西倒进洗涤槽里. *
empty (out) a drawer 把抽屉腾空 *
He emptied his pockets of their contents. 他把衣袋里的东西全都掏出来了. *
This dreadful film soon emptied the cinema of people. 这部电影很没意思, 电影院里的人很快就都走光了.
(b) [I, Ipr] ~ (of sb/sth) become empty 变空:
The streets soon emptied (of people) when the rain started. 下起雨来了, 街道很快便空无一人了. *
The cistern empties in five minutes. 贮水池五分钟就流乾.

(a) [Tn,, Tn.p] ~ sth (out) (into/onto sth) remove (the contents of sth) and put them somewhere else 将某物中的东西取出置於他处:
Have you emptied (out) the rubbish? 你倒垃圾了吗? *
She emptied the milk into the pan. 她把牛奶倒进锅里. *
We emptied the waste paper onto the floor. 我们把废纸倒在地板上.
(b) [I, Ipr] ~ (from/out of sth) (into/onto sth) flow or pour out 流出; 倒出:
The water slowly emptied (from the cistern). 水(从贮水池)缓缓流出. *
The Rhone empties into the Mediterranean. 罗讷河流入地中海. *
The rubbish from the cart emptied onto the street. 垃圾从大车上倾倒到街上.





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