[/ɪˈveɪd; ɪˋved/] v [Tn] 用法: 1 get or keep out of the way of (sb/sth) 躲开, 避开(某人[某事物]): evade the police, an attack, an enemy 躲避警察、 袭击、 敌人. 用法: 2 find a way of not doing (sth, esp sth that legally or morally ought to be done); avoid 逃避(尤指法律或道德上的责任): evade military service 逃避兵役 * evade capture by the police 躲避警方的追捕. 用法: 3 avoid answering (a question) fully or honestly 回避如实的答覆(问题): The policeman evaded all the difficult questions. 那警察回避了所有难以答覆的问题. |