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单词 exist
释义 [/ɪgˈzɪst; ɪɡˋzɪst/] v [I, Ipr]

1 ~ (in/on sth) (a) be real or actual; have being 存在; 有:
Do you believe fairies exist? ie that there are really fairies? 你相信真有小神仙吗? *
The idea exists only in the minds of poets. 这种想法是诗人才有的. *
laws that have existed for hundreds of years 已存在千百年的法规 *
Does life exist on Mars? 火星上有生命吗?
(b) be found; occur 被发现; 发生:
This plant exists only in Australia. 这种植物只产於澳大利亚.

2 ~ (on sth) continue living, esp with difficulty or with very little money; survive 生存(尤指有困难或钱很少); 活下来; 幸存:
We cannot exist without food or water. 没有食物或水我们就不能生存. *
He exists on rice and water, ie by eating rice and water. 他靠吃米饭和水过活. *
I can hardly exist on the wage I'm getting; there is no money for luxuries. 我靠我挣的工资简直难以 口, 根本无钱享受.





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