释义 |
[/ˈfækltɪ; ˋfækltɪ/] n 用法: 1 [C] any of the powers of the body or mind 官能; 才能; 能力: the faculty of sight 视力 * the mental faculties, ie the power of reason 智力 * be in possession of all one's faculties, ie be able to see, hear, speak, understand, etc 具有各种官能(有视、 听、 说、 理解等能力). 用法: 2 [sing] ~ of/for doing sth particular ability for doing sth 做某事物的特殊才能: have a great faculty for learning languages 有学习语言的才能. 用法: 3 (a) [C] department or group of related departments in a university, etc (大学的)系, 科, 院: the Faculty of Law, Science, etc 法律学院、 理学院. (b) [CGp] all the lecturers, etc in one of these (大学的某系、 科、 院的)全体教员: [attrib 作定语] a faculty meeting (大学的某系、 科、 院的)全体教员会议. (C) [CGp] (US) the whole teaching staff of a university, etc 大学等的全体教员. |