释义 |
[/feɪd; fed/] v 用法: 1 [I, Tn] (cause sth to) lose colour, freshness or vigour (使某事物)褪色, 凋落, 衰弱: the fading light of evening 傍晚渐暗的光 * Will (the colour in) this material fade? 这块料子(的颜色)褪色吗? * Flowers soon fade when cut. 花折下不久就会凋谢. * She is fading fast, ie rapidly losing strength. 她身体很快就衰弱了. * The strong sunlight had faded the curtains. 强烈 的阳光把窗帘晒得褪了色. * faded denims, ie ones that have lost their original colour 褪了色的牛仔裤. 用法: 2 [I, Ipr, Ip] ~ (away) disappear gradually (from sight, hearing, memory, etc); become indistinct (从视野中、 听力范围中、 记忆中等)逐渐消失, 变得模糊不清: As evening came, the coastline faded into darkness. 夜晚降临时, 海岸线在黑暗中逐渐消失了. * The sound of the cheering faded (away) in the distance. 欢呼声在远处逐渐消失了. * All memory of her childhood had faded from her mind. 她对童年的一切记忆逐渐从脑海中消逝了. * His hopes faded. 他的希望渐渐破灭了. 用法: 3 (phr v) fade away (of people) disperse; die (指人)散开, 死亡: The crowd just faded away. 人群刚刚散去. * She's fading away, ie dying. 她已奄奄一息. fade (sth) in/out (cinema or broadcasting 电影或广播) (cause a picture to) increase/decrease gradually in sharpness; (cause the volume of sound to) become gradually audible/inaudible (使画面)清晰度逐渐增强[减弱]; (使音量)逐渐增大[减小]: As the programme ended, their conversation was faded out. 节目结束时, 他们的谈话声也逐渐消失了. |