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单词 fail 1
释义 [/feɪl; fel/] v

1 (a) [I, Ipr, Tn, Tt] ~ (in sth) be unsuccessful in (sth) 在(某事物)中失败:
If you don't work hard, you may fail. 不努力就可能失败. *
I passed in maths but failed in French. 我数学及格, 但法语不及格. *
He failed his driving-test. 他驾驶测验不合格. *
She failed to reach the semi-finals. 她未能进入半决赛.
(b) [Tn] decide that (a candidate) is unsuccessful 评定(应考者)不及格:
The examiners failed half the candidates. 主考者评定半数应试者不及格. Cf 参看 succeed 1.

2 [It] forget, neglect or be unable (to do sth) 忘记、 忽视或未能(做某事):
He never fails to write (ie always writes) to his mother every week. 他每周都给母亲写信. *
She did not fail to keep (ie She did keep) her word. 她没有食言. *
Your promises have failed to (ie did not) materialize. 你没有信守诺言.

3 [I, Tn] not be enough for (sb); end or be lacking while still needed or expected by (sb) 不足; 短少; 缺乏:
The crops failed because of drought. 由於乾旱, 农作物歉收. *
Our water supply has failed (us). 我们的水供应不足. *
Words fail me, ie I cannot find words (to describe my feelings, etc). 我无法用言语来表达(自己的感情等).

4 [I] (a) (of health, eyesight, etc) become weak (指健康状况、 视力等)衰退:
His eyesight is failing. 他的视力渐渐衰退了. *
He has suffered from failing health/has been failing in health for the last two years. 近两年来, 他的健康状况每况愈下.
(b) stop working properly 失灵; 失去作用:
The brakes failed. 煞车失灵了.

5 [I] become bankrupt 破产; 倒闭:
Several banks failed during the depression. 有几家银行在不景气时期倒闭了. fail 2

1 failure in an examination 考试不及格:
I had three passes and one fail. 我考试三门及格一门不及格.

2 (idm 习语) without `fail certainly, even though there may be difficulties; whatever happens; definitely 肯定; 一定; 必定:
I'll be there at two o'clock without fail. 我两点钟一定到那里.





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