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单词 fat 1
释义 [/fæt; fæt/] adj (-tter, -ttest)

1 covered with or having a lot of fat 肥的:
fat meat 肥肉.

2 (of the body) large in size; containing too much fat (指身体)肥胖的:
If you eat too much chocolate you'll get fat. 吃巧克力太多会发胖. =>Usage 见所附用法. Cf 参看 thin 2.

3 large; round 大的; 圆的:
a big fat apple 又大又圆的苹果.

4 thick; well filled 厚的; 装满的:
a fat wallet, ie one stuffed with banknotes 装满钞票的钱包.

5 rich; fertile 富饶的; 肥沃的:
fat lands 肥沃的土地.

6 (infml) large in quantity 大量的:
a fat price, sum, profit, income, etc 高价、 巨额、 暴利、 优厚的收入 *
He gave me a nice fat cheque, ie one for a lot of money. 他给了我一张数额很大的支票.

7 (idm 习语) a fat lot (of good, etc) (infml ironic 口, 反语) very little 很少:
A fat lot you care, ie You don't care at all. 你根本就不在乎. *
A fat lot of good that did me, ie It didn't help me at all. 对我一点帮助也没有. fat 2
Fat is the most usual and direct adjective to describe people with excess flesh, but it is not polite *fat是用以指人肥胖的最常用、 最直接的形容词, 但含贬义:
That suit's too tight -- it makes you look really fat. 那套衣服太瘦--显得你很胖. More insulting are flabby, which suggests loose flesh, and podgy, used especially of fingers and hands. 贬义更强的词是flabby(指肌肉松弛)和podgy(尤指手指和手). To be polite we can use plump, suggesting slight or attractive fatness, or stout, indicating overall heaviness of the body. 较礼貌些可用plump(指稍胖或丰满)或stout(指身体胖得匀称). Tubby is often used in a friendly way of people who are also short, and chubby indicates pleasant roundness in babies and cheeks. *tubby常用以指矮胖的人, 含亲切感, 而chubby则用於婴儿和脸颊, 意为圆胖而可爱. The most neutral term is overweight, while doctors use obese to describe people who are so overweight that they are unhealthy. 最无褒贬含义的词是overweight, 医生则用obese指胖得呈病态的人. fat 3
[/fæt; fæt/] n

1 [U] (a) white or yellow greasy substance found in animal bodies under the skin 脂肪; 肥肉:
This ham has too much fat on it. 这火腿肥肉太多.
(b) oily substance found in certain seeds 某些种子的油.

2 [C, U] fat from animals, plants or seeds, purified and used for cooking (食用的)动植物的油:
Vegetable fats are healthier than animal fats. 植物油比动物油更有益於健康. *
Fried potatoes are cooked in deep fat. 炸的马铃薯是用很多油炸的.

3 (idm 习语) chew the fat/rag => chew. the fat is in the `fire (infml) there will be a lot of trouble now 现在要出麻烦了. live off/on the fat of the land => live2. run to `fat (of persons) tend to gain weight; become fat (指人)发胖, 变胖.





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