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单词 feel 1
释义 [/fiːl; fil/] v (pt, pp felt [/felt; fɛlt/])

1 [Tn, Tw] explore or perceive (sth) by touching or by holding in the hands 摸, 触, 触摸(某物):
feel a rock, a piece of cloth, etc 摸摸石头、 布等 *
Can you feel the bump on my head? 你能摸到我头上的肿块吗? *
Can you tell what this is by feeling it? 你能摸出这是什麽吗? *
Feel how rough this is. 摸摸看这东西多粗糙.

2 [Tn, Tng, Tni] (not usu in the continuous tenses 通常不用於进行时态) be aware of or experience (sth physical or emotional); have the sensation of; sense 感觉到, 感受到, 体会到, 体验到(身体上或情绪上的情况); 有知觉; 觉得:
We all felt the earthquake tremors. 我们都感觉到地震时的颤动. *
Can you feel the tension in this room? 你能觉察出这房间里的紧张气氛吗? *
After the accident, she couldn't feel anything in her left leg, ie it was numb. 出事以後, 她的左腿失去了知觉. *
I can feel a nail sticking into my shoe. 我觉得有钉子扎进鞋里. *
I felt something crawl(ing) up my arm. 我觉得有东西顺著我的胳膊向上爬.

3 [La] be in the specified physical, emotional or moral state 身体上、 情绪上或精神上处於某种状态:
feel cold, hungry, comfortable, sad, happy, etc 感到冷、 饿、 舒服、 悲哀、 快乐等 *
How are you feeling today? 你今天身体好吗? *
You'll feel better after a good night's sleep. 你好好睡上一觉就会好些. *
She felt betrayed. 她觉得被人出卖了. *
I feel rotten about not taking the children out. 我没带孩子出去觉得很不痛快.

4 [Ipr] ~ (to sb) (like sth/sb) (not in the continuous tenses 不用於进行时态) give a sensation or an impression of sth or of being sth/sb 给人以某种感觉或印象:
The water feels warm. 觉得出这水是温的. *
How does it feel to be alone all day? 整日独自一人感觉如何? *
Nothing feels right in our new house. 我们新房子里, 样样都觉得不对劲. *
This wallet feels to me like leather. 我觉得这钱包像是皮的. *
It feels like rain, ie seems likely to rain. 好像要下雨. =>Usage 见所附用法.

5 ~ as if .../as though ... (not in the continuous tenses 不用於进行时态) have or give the impression that ... 彷佛觉得...:
I feel as if I'm going to be sick. 我觉得我好像要生病了. *
My cold feels as though it's getting better. 我的感冒好像好多了. *
It felt as though a great weight had been lifted from us. 我们如释重负.

6 [Tn] be particularly conscious of (sth); be affected by 对(某事)特别敏感; 受...的影响:
He feels the cold a lot. 他很怕冷. *
Of all the children, she felt her mother's death the most. 在所有的子女中, 数她对母亲的去世感到最难过. *
We all felt the force of her arguments. 我们都觉得她的论据很有力. *
Don't you feel the beauty of the countryside? 你是不是觉得郊外的景色很美呀?

7 [I] be capable of sensation 能感觉; 有知觉:
The dead cannot feel. 死人没有知觉.

8 [Tf, Cn.a, Cn.t] have as an opinion; consider; think; believe 认为; 以为; 想; 相信:
We all felt (that) our luck was about to turn. 我们都认为快要转运了. *
She felt in her bones that she would succeed. 她坚信自己能成功. *
I felt it advisable to do nothing. 我认为最好什麽也别做. *
He felt the plan to be unwise/felt that the plan was unwise. 他认为这计画不当.

9 [I, Ipr, Ip] ~ (about) (for sb/sth) search with the hands, the feet, a stick, etc (用手、 足、 杖等)寻找, 摸索, 探索:
He felt in his pocket for some money. 他在口袋里摸著, 想找些钱. *
I had to feel about in the dark for the light switch. 我得在黑暗中摸索著找电灯开关. *
She felt along the wall for the door. 她沿著墙摸索著找门.

10 (idm 习语) be/feel called to sth => call2. ,feel `free (infml) (said when giving permission 用以表示准许):
`May I use your phone?' `Feel free.' `我借用一下你的电话, 行吗?'`随便用吧.' ,feel one's `age realize that one is growing old, as one becomes less strong or one's ideas are thought to be old-fashioned (因体力渐弱或思想守旧)意识到自己老了:
My children's skill with computers really makes me feel my age! 我的孩子使用电脑得心应手确使我觉得自己老了. feel one's `ears burning think or imagine that others are talking about one 觉得耳朵在发烧(认为或猜想有人在谈论自己). feel `good feel happy, confident, etc 感到愉快、 有信心等:
It makes me feel good to know you like me. 我知道你喜欢我, 感到很高兴. feel (it) in one's `bones (that...) know or sense (sth) intuitively 凭直觉懂得或感到(某事物):
I know I'm going to fail this exam I can feel it in my bones. 我知道这次考试要不及格--我有这种直觉. feel like sth/doing sth think that one would like (to do/have) sth; want (to do) sth 想要(做)某事物:
I feel like (having) a drink. 我想喝点酒. *
We'll go for a walk if you feel like it. 你愿意的话, 咱们就去散散步. feel one's oats (infml) be in an energetic and lively mood and act accordingly 感到精神饱满. feel one`self feel fit and healthy 感到有精神:
I don't quite feel my`self today. 我今天有些不舒服. feel the `pinch (infml) (begin to) suffer from a lack of (esp) money (开始)感到缺乏(尤指钱):
The high rate of unemployment is making many families feel the pinch. 失业率很高, 许多家庭感到日子不好过了. feel/take sb's pulse => pulse1. feel one's `way (a) move along carefully, eg in darkness, by touching walls, objects, etc (沿墙壁、 物体等)摸索著走(如在黑暗中).
(b) (fig 比喻) proceed cautiously 谨慎行事:
At this early stage of the negotiations both sides were still feeling their way. 在这谈判的初始阶段, 双方尚十分谨慎. look/feel small => small. make one's presence felt => presence.

11 (phr v) feel for sb have sympathy for sb 同情, 怜悯(某人):
I really felt for her when her husband died. 她丈夫死了, 我十分同情她. feel up to (doing) sth consider oneself capable of (doing) sth 认为自己有能力做某事:
If you feel up to it, we could walk into town after lunch. 你要是走得动, 咱们午饭後可以走到城里. feel 2
There are several verbs relating to the five senses of sight, smell, hearing, taste and touch. 有几个动词与视觉、 嗅觉、 听觉、 味觉、 触觉这五种感官有关. They are often used with the verb can. 这些动词常与can连用. Normally, only the simple tenses are used. 通常只用於简单时态.

1 See, smell, hear, taste and feel indicate the experiencing of something through one of the senses *see、 smell、 hear、 taste、 feel分别表示五种感官之一对某物的感知:
He saw a light in the window. 他看见窗户里有灯光. *
I heard an explosion last night. 我昨晚听到了爆炸声. *
I can smell gas. 我闻到有煤气味.

2 These verbs can also indicate somebody's physical ability to perceive with the senses 这些动词还可用以表示某人的感官能力:
He can't see, hear, etc very well. 他的视力、 听力等不太好.

3 Look, smell, taste, sound and feel are used to describe how somebody or something is experienced through one of the senses, usually in one of these patterns *look、 smell、 taste、 sound、 feel可用以表示通过五官之一感知某人或某事物, 通常用於下列句型:
(a) She looks happy, ie She's smiling. 她看上去很高兴.
(b) The wine tastes like water, ie It's very weak. 这酒的味道像水一样.
(C) The singer sounds as though she's got a sore throat, ie The sound of her voice suggests that she has a sore throat. 这歌手的声音听起来好像她嗓子疼.

4 Look, smell, listen, taste, feel can indicate that somebody is making a deliberate effort to perceive something *look、 smell、 listen、 taste、 feel可用以表示某人著意要感知某事物:
(a) `I can't see the spot.' `Well look harder.' `我看不到有斑点.'`再好好看看.'
(b) `I can't hear any music.' `Listen carefully.' `我听不出有音乐.'`再用心听听.'
(C) `I can't taste anything.' `Try tasting this.' `我尝不出有什麽味道.'`再尝尝这个.'

5 Feel and look can express the physical or emotional state of a person. *feel和look可表示人的身体或情绪的状态. Here, the continuous tenses can be used 在这种情况下可用进行时态:
I feel sick,nervous, disappointed, etc. 我感到不舒服、 紧张、 失望等.* He was feeling tired so he didn't come to the party. 他感到很累, 所以没来参加聚会. *
You're looking happy. Have you had good news? 你看来很高兴. 有好消息吗? feel 3
[/fiːl; fil/] n [sing]

1 act of feeling 摸; 触; 触摸:
Let me have a feel. 让我摸摸.

2 the feel sense of touch 触觉:
rough, smooth, etc to the feel, ie when touched or felt 摸起来感到粗糙、 平滑等.

3 the feel (a) sensation that sth gives when touching or being touched 触摸和被触摸时的感觉:
You can tell it's silk by the feel. 你摸摸就知道是绸缎. *
She loved the feel of the sun on her skin. 她喜欢太阳照射在皮肤上的那种感觉.
(b) sensation created by a situation, etc (环境等给人造成的)感觉, 感受:
the feel of the place, the meeting, the occasion 某地方、 会议、 场合的气氛的感受.

4 (idm 习语) get the feel of sth/of doing sth (infml) become familiar with (doing) sth 开始熟悉(做)某事:
You haven't got the feel of the gears in this car yet. 你对这辆汽车的排挡还不熟悉. have a feel for sth (infml) have a sensitive appreciation or an easy understanding of sth 对某事物有敏锐的鉴赏力或很强的理解力:
He has a good feel for languages. 他很有语感.





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